Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bear claws-up

I'm ready for my claws-up: Photographer's incredible portraits of models who bear all

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 4:57 PM on 24th August 2011
Jill Greenberg, like every other professional photographer, knows that models can be hard to handle - with their diva-like demands and hissy fits.
And, with the models she works with especially, getting them at the wrong time of day is literally like dealing with a bear with a sore head.
Greenberg's studio portraits feature animal celebrities, including many who have appeared in Hollywood films and commercials, at their most cute - and frightening.
Paw-trait: Amos, an impossibly adorable European Brown Bear, poses for a Jill Greenberg portrait in Kern, Frazier Park, California. The portraits range from cute to ferocious
Paw-trait: Amos, an impossibly adorable European Brown Bear, poses for a Jill Greenberg portrait in Kern, Frazier Park, California. The portraits range from cute to ferocious
He work captures everything from baby brown bears looking adorable, to 10ft tall Kodiak bears looking a little less adorable.
Known for her ability to bring human qualities to exotic animals, the 44-year-old Canadian-born artist wanted to explore the mystery and depth of emotion behind some of nature's most dangerous creatures.
She said: 'I wanted to create images of these majestic beasts unlike anything we had seen before. I set up a studio outside, with my signature lighting set up - that I had used on my monkey and crying children series - to show the intensity and allow an intimate view of these powerful beasts.
Does my butt look big in this? The aptly named Whopper may not like the unflattering product of a photoshoot in Innisfail, Alberta, Canada. Too much hibernation last year, perhaps?
Does my butt look big in this? The aptly named Whopper may not like the unflattering product of a photoshoot in Innisfail, Alberta, Canada. Too much hibernation last year, perhaps?
Who's been a bad bear? Black bear Bonkers looks like he's been given a thorough telling off, but Greenberg explains that some of her subjects are very tired by the end of a long day
Who's been a bad bear? Black bear Bonkers looks like he's been given a thorough telling off, but Greenberg explains that some of her subjects are very tired by the end of a long day
'The project is known as "Ursine" and shows Russian black bears, giant Kodiak bears, a polar bear and baby cubs.
'Humans have a unique attachment to bears, many of us grow up with teddy bears and, sometimes we call big people bear-like.
'It was surprising to see them actually sit with their front paws between their hind ones, exactly the way stuffed animals do.
Playbear: Russian brown bear Cheyenne strikes a classic glamour-model pose - complete with its leg coquettishly thrown out to the side - during a shoot in San Bernardino Ranch, California
Playbear: Russian brown bear Cheyenne strikes a classic glamour-model pose - complete with its leg coquettishly thrown out to the side - during a shoot in San Bernardino Ranch, California
Grizzly 'Koda'
Jill Greenberg
'Do you come here often?': With his lecherous wink and sly smile, Koda the grizzly seems intent on getting his paws on Greenberg, but it's clear that she only has eyes for the cute cub being bottle fed in her lap  
'And, of course, it was great to see them ham it up for the camera, standing up on hind legs and growling on command, for vanilla sandwich biscuits and chunks of raw salmon - which they catch in their mouth.'
Working with professional animal trainers like Mark Dumas in Vancouver, Greenberg captured the best angles and poses, always careful to make sure not to make any sudden moves or loud noises to call attention to and create a dangerous situation for herself or her crew.
The Ursine series has attracted a celebrity following, with Greenberg saying: 'It was exhibited at the Jaski Gallery in Amsterdam earlier this year, and some cool people like Tom Ford, Ashton Kutcher, and Daniel Craig have bears hanging in their office and home.
Kodiak moment: Looking cute and cuddly is all very well, but Kodiak bear Ursula gives a frightening glimpse of what the creatures are capable of. Greenberg said her models would growl on command for treats
Kodiak moment: Looking cute and cuddly is all very well, but Kodiak bear Ursula gives a frightening glimpse of what the creatures are capable of. Greenberg said her models would growl on command for treats

Or is it a Polaroid moment? Agee looks like she's about to read the news in this shot, taken in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada. Greenberg's painstaking set-up highlights the majesty of these amazing animals
Or is it a Polaroid moment? Agee looks like she's about to read the news in this shot, taken in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada. Greenberg's painstaking set-up highlights the majesty of these amazing animals
'Also it has been collected by major museums and shown in galleries in New York and Los Angeles.'
The photographs have also been turned into a book, Bear Portraits, which has been popular.
Greenberg said: 'My goal was to convey depth of character and emotion. I think that I did that.'

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hujah SPR ada kepincangan

Mengapa hujah SPR ada kepincangan
John R Malott
Ogos 24, 11
ULASAN Terdapat banyak perbincangan di Malaysia sejak dua bulan lalu mengenai reformasi pilihan raya, dengan cadangan yang bernas daripada pelbagai pihak dan juga kenyataan balas oleh kerajaan.

Dalam artikel ini, yang pertama daripada dua, saya melihat beberapa cadangan yang dikemukakan dan membandingkan situasi Malaysia dengan negara-negara lain.

Mengurangkan had umur mengundi

Dari perspektif antarabangsa, had umur 21 tahun di Malaysia jauh ketinggalan.

Wikipedia menyenaraikan umur mengundi di hampir 240 negara di seluruh dunia, dan kebanyakan negara purata umur mengundi adalah 18 tahun. Malaysia adalah antara 12 negara di mana seorang pengundi mesti berusia 21 tahun.

Mari kita lihat di negara jiran Malaysia di Asia. Anda perlu hanya berusia 18 untuk mengundi di Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Burma, Kemboja, China, Hong Kong, India, Laos, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Filipina, Sri Lanka, Thailand dan Vietnam .

singapore voters 2011 1Di Indonesia dan Timor Timur, 17; di Korea Selatan, 19; dan di Jepun dan Taiwan, 20. Bersama-sama dengan Singapura, Malaysia adalah antara satu-satu negara di Asia yang menetapkan had umur mengundi pada 21 tahun.

Kita lihat juga di negara-negara lain dalam Komanwel, di mana struktur dan perlembagaan negara ini digubal serta dipengaruhi luas oleh oleh British.

Had umur mengundi adalah 18 tahun di Australia, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Bermuda, Kanada, Ghana, India, Jamaica, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, United Kingdom dan Zimbabwe. Sekali lagi, Malaysia tidak berada dalam senarai itu.

Melanjutkan tempoh berkempen

BERSIH 2.0 mencadangkan tempoh kempen dilanjutkan kepada 21 hari, tetapi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) menentangnya.

NONEMenurut timbalan pengerusi SPR Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar, masa yang lebih singkat adalah memadai bagi sebuah negara yang saiz seperti Malaysia dan memiliki kecanggihan teknologi.

Walau bagaimanapun, beberapa penyokong reformasi pilihan raya Malaysia berkata pada masa lalu tahun, kempen pilihan raya di Malaysia pernah dilanjutkan menjangkaui 21 hari.

Mari kita lihat pada justifikasi Wan Ahmad untuk kempen yang singkat dan membangingkannya dengan tempoh kempen di negara-negara Komanwel yang berkongsi warisan politik dengan Malaysia.

Pilihan raya 2010 Australia telah diumumkan pada 17 Julai, dan pengundian dijalankan lima minggu kemudian, iaitu pada 21 Ogos.

Menggunakan logik Wan Ahmad, Australia memerlukan tempoh kempen yang lebih panjang kerana ia adalah sebuah negara yang besar. Oleh itu, mari kita lbandingkan pula di beberapa negara yang bersaiz kecil dan juga mempunyai teknologi canggih.

Pilihan raya 2010 di United Kingdom telah diumumkan pada 12 April dan diadakan pada 6 Mei. Ini adalah tempoh berkempen selama 24 hari.

Thousands of spectators gather at an Singapore People's Party's (SPP) election campaign rally at Bishan Stadium 2Pilihan raya di New Zealand tahun ini telah diumumkan pada 2 Feb, tetapi pengundian tidak dijalankan sehingga 26 Nov, iaitu hampir 10 bulan kemudian!

Bagaimana pula dengan Singapura, sebuah negara yang mempunyai keluasan hanya 582 km persegi atau hanya 0.2 peratus daripada saiz Malaysia? Parlimennya telah dibubarkan pada 19 April tahun ini, dan pilihan raya diadakan pada 7 Mei, iaitu 20 hari kemudian.

Hujah Wan Ahmad bahawa tempoh kempen bergantung kepada saiz dan kecanggihan sesebuah negara, tetapi sebagai bukti di UK, New Zealand, dan Singapura, menunjukkan sebaliknya.

ULASAN ini adalah pendapat peribadi penulis dan tidak semestinya mencerminkan pendirian sidang pengarang Malaysiakini.
JOHN R MALOTT adalah Duta amerika Syarikat ke Malaysia daripada 1995-1998, dan beliau terus memantau perkembangan negara ini.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Ke mana perginya wang zakat kita?

'Ke mana perginya wang zakat kita?'
Prof Madya Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin
Ogos 7, 11
ULASAN Saya belum ingin mengulas tentang serbuan JAIS (Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor) ke atas sebuah gereja di Petaling Jaya seperti yang disiarkan oleh berita beberapa hari ini di sudut tindakan serbuan' itu.

Cumanya, sepertimana yang kita ketahui bahawa tiada manusia yang bertamadun yang boleh menerima tindakan provokasi yang boleh mencetuskan permusuhan antara penganut agama tanpa alasan yang sah.

NONESaya ingin menyentuh tentang orang Islam yang hadir di majlis tersebut yang dikatakan oleh pihak media hadir mereka terpengaruh dengan agama Kristian disebabkan sikap baik penganut agama berkenaan membantu mereka.

Difahamkan bahawa orang Islam yang hadir, terutama ibu tunggal terdiri dari kalangan mereka yang amat daif dan miskin. Mereka telah berulang kali memohon bantuan dari masyarakat Islam, tetapi gagal.
Apabila ada pihak yang sudi menghulurkan bantuan dengan mudah, maka mereka rasa 'jatuh hati' dan 'terhutang budi'. Di sini beberapa persoalan patut ditimbulkan;

1. Ke mana perginya wang zakat kita? Ratusan juta hasil kutipan yang diumumkan saban tahun, apakah tidak mampu untuk membantu fakir miskin ini keluar dari kesusahan mereka sehingga tidak perlu meminta 'sedekah' kepada orang lain?

2. Mengapa kerenah biokrasi begitu tinggi untuk fakir miskin mendapatkan bantuan zakat? Semua orang yang pernah berurusan dengan hal ini, akan ada pengalaman mereka sendiri.
Untuk mendapatkan RM100-200 pun, begitu banyak kerenahnya. Sedangkan pejabat zakat kelihatan mewah, gaji pegawai dan bos begitu tinggi dan peralatan urusan juga begitu canggih.
Apakah belanja yang tinggi itu hanya untuk urusan mencari pembayar, tetapi tiada kesungguhan yang memadai untuk mencari penerima yang layak?

3. Tujuan zakat antaranya untuk mendekatkan hati manusia dengan Islam. Sebab itu, ada hak untuk golongan muallaf. Bagaimanakah mungkin pengurusan zakat gagal melakukan hal ini, sehingga yang sudah Muslim ingin meninggalkan Islam kerana gagal mendapat bantuan dari umat Islam khususnya zakat?!

4. Bukan sesuatu yang haram untuk seseorang Muslim menerima bantuan daripada bukan Muslim. Apatah lagi, jika mereka dalam kesusahan yang amat.
Tindakan mereka menerima bantuan tidak boleh dipersalahkan, sebaliknya perbuatan pihak muslim yang sepatutnya memberi bantuan kepada mereka tetapi tidak melakukannya itulah yang patut disalahkan.

5. Jika dibincangkan di sudut bantuan, pada asasnya, kita tidak boleh menyalahkan orang lain kerana memberikan bantuan. Adalah menjadi hak setiap untuk memberikan bantuan kepada sesiapa yang mereka mahu.
Selagi mengikut peraturan dan undang-undang, seseorang boleh memberikan bantuan kepada sesiapa sahaja tanpa terbatas dengan agama atau bangsa.
Janganlah jika kita gagal membantu – sedangkan kita mampu - kita menyalahkan orang lain yang membantu.

6. Setiap orang akan terpengaruh dengan pihak yang berbuat baik kepadanya. Itu fitrah manusia. Jika dia lemah iman, mungkin agamanya juga diserahkan.
Mereka yang terpengaruh dengan pihak gereja atas budi baik, itu sesuatu yang tidak pelik. Namun yang pelik, bagaimana dalam negara Islam, umat kita boleh menukar agama disebabkan layanan yang tidak memuaskan oleh masyarakat Muslim?
Sebaliknya mereka terpengaruh dengan sikap baik penganut agama lain. Apakah slogan-slogan agama kita selamat ini hanya kosmetik yang tidak berpijak kepada realiti kehidupan?

Maka, banyak persoalan perlu masyarakat Muslim tanya diri sendiri sebelum menyalahkan orang lain. Tabiat menuding jari kepada orang lain untuk menutup kelemahan sendiri tidak akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah kita!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Monster church leader with 24 child 'wives'

Facing life for sex abuse, the monster church leader with 24 child 'wives' who he told would find 'favour with god'

  • Jury took only three hours to find polygamist leader guilty
  • Court had heard tape of him having sex with 12-year-old girl
  • Leader claimed he was victim of 'religious persecution'

By Tom Leonard In New York

Last updated at 2:03 AM on 6th August 2011
The 'prophet': Warren Jeffs at a previous trial
The 'prophet': Warren Jeffs at a previous trial
The leader of a polygamist Mormon sect has been found guilty of sexually abusing girls aged 12 and 15 among his two dozen child ‘wives’.
Warren Jeffs, 55, faces a possible life sentence.
The self-proclaimed prophet and head of the shadowy Fundamentalist Church of Jesus of Latter Day Saints told females in his 10,000-strong flock they would find favour with God if they pleased him sexually.
He defended himself and spent much of his trial in west Texas angrily claiming he was being religiously persecuted.
Prosecutors said they will present evidence to his sentencing hearing that he had 78 so-called ‘spiritual wives’ – 24 of them under 17 – in addition to his legal one.
They said they would also show how Jeffs either witnessed or performed more than 500 unlawful polygamous marriages, as well as 67 others involving under-age girls.
Jurors were given DNA evidence showing that Jeffs had fathered a child by the 15-year-old.
And prosecutors reduced some jurors to tears when they played an audio tape of Jeffs, breathing heavily and panting as he had sex with the 12-year-old.
At one point he told the girl: ‘Take your clothes off. Do it right now.’
The sounds of crying followed and he then said: ‘Just don’t think about the pain, you’re going to heaven. The world’s view of sexual relations is selfish, the celestial view is now.’ In another recording he could be heard instructing a 14-year-old and another young wife how to excite him. ‘A good wife is trained for her husband and follows the spirit of peace,’ he said.


The FLDS, which has at least 10,000 members, is a radical offshoot of mainstream Mormonism and believes polygamy brings exaltation in heaven. They see Jeffs as God's spokesman on earth.

The church's traditional headquarters is along the Utah-Arizona border, but it established the Texas compound in 2004.

Police raided the group's remote West Texas ranch in April 2008, finding women dressed in frontier-style dresses and hairdos from the 19th century as well as seeing underage girls who were clearly pregnant.
The call to an abuse hotline that spurred the raid turned out to be a hoax, and more than 400 children who had been placed in protective custody were eventually returned to their families.
‘You have to know how to excite sexually and be excited. You have to be able to assist each other.’ Jeffs could be heard telling the girls to shower, wear white robes and even shave their bodies before coming to him, softly singing a ‘Father, Son and Holy Ghost’ refrain at the end of his ‘training’ session.
When prosecutors played another tape of him instructing 12 young women, Jeffs stood up and talked over it, claiming a holy trust had been broken. ‘I am but a mortal man seeking peace,’ he said. ‘I am not a threat to anyone. My faith is my only weapon.’
On another occasion, he threatened that God would bring ‘sickness and death’ unless the trial were stopped.
Jeffs kept meticulous written and audio records of his sexual abuse because he believed it was his duty.
Lead prosecutor Eric Nichols told the court in San Angelo: ‘This individual considers himself to be a prophet. Everything he did, hour after hour, he was required to keep a record of that.’
Seven other leaders of the sect, which broke away from the official Mormon church over its insistence that polygamy brings exaltation in heaven, have already been convicted of similar offences.
Much of the evidence against Jeffs was seized after the police raided the sect’s 1,700-acre Yearn For Zion ranch compound in Eldorado following a call to a child abuse hotline in April 2008.
They found under-age girls who were pregnant, while the sect’s women wore full-length frontier-style ‘prairie dresses’.
Seized property: Texas Ranger Nick Hanna moves a computer from the back of a truck with the rest of the evidence for the trial against Warren Jeffs
Seized property: Texas Ranger Nick Hanna moves a computer from the back of a truck with the rest of the evidence for the trial against Warren Jeffs

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, left, arrives with members of his office at the Tom Green County Courthouse
Rebecca Musser, center, a former member of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints arrives at the court house
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott,  left, and Rebecca Musser, as does former member of Jeffs' church. At 19 she was married to Warren Jeffs' father Rulon, 83, the then-prophet, who died in 2002. She left the church shortly after his death when Warren tried to force her to remarry. She testified against Warren in an earlier trial on behalf of her younger sister, who at 14 was forced to marry her 19-year-old cousin
Child disciples: Young girls are taken away in the raid on the Yearn For Zion ranch compound in Eldorado, Texas
Child disciples: Young girls are taken away in the raid on the Yearn For Zion ranch compound in Eldorado, Texas
Worship: Temple of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in El Dorado, Texas, where the 'heavenly sessions' with the young girls are said to have taken place
Worship: Temple of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in El Dorado, Texas, where the 'heavenly sessions' with the young girls are said to have taken place
More than 400 children were placed in protective custody before being  returned to their families.
Mugshot: Jeffs after being arrested following the 2009 raid on his church
Mugshot: Jeffs after being arrested following the 2009 raid on his church
Investigators searching the compound’s huge, fortress-like white limestone temple reported finding a bed which was reserved for men to have sex for the first time with their under-age wives.
Jeffs’s journals and other incriminating documents were discovered in a vault at the end of a secret passageway in the compound’s temple.
The papers included his marriage ‘for time and all eternity’ with the 14-year-old in January 2004.
An excerpt from hundreds of pages of his personal journals said the child was ‘pure and innocent and willing to obey’ and that he summoned her parents and ‘informed them of their girl belonging to me’. Former sect members say Jeffs had a god-like status within the group, exerting a tyrannical rule over members. They described how women were forced to give birth each year to ‘replenish the earth’.
Prosecutors told Jeffs’s trial that the case was about child abuse, not his church or beliefs.
Jeffs succeeded his father, Rulon, as the sect’s leader in 2002. In 2006, he was briefly on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List as they searched for him over other sex crime charges.
In 2007, he was convicted of two counts of being an accomplice to rape but the conviction was overturned..