Michael Jackson - hebat, kontroversi Malaysiakini Jun 26, 09 10:51am
Kematian Raja Pop Michael Jackson awal pagi ini akibat serangan jantung mengejutkan dunia dan dianggap sebagai satu kehilangan besar kepada para peminat dan dunia hiburan antarabangsa.
Pegawai Koroner Long Angeles, Leftenan Fred Corral memberitahu CNN bahawa Jackson, 50, disahkan meninggal dunia dua jam selepas pasukan perubatan menerima panggilan dari rumah bintang tersebut.
Michael dilahirkan pada 29 Ogos 1958 di Gary, Indiana. Dia merupakan anak ketujuh daripada keluarga sembilan orang.
Lima anak Jackson - Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael - membuat persembahan bersama pertama mereka dalam satu pertandingan nyanyian ketika Micheal berusia enam tahun.
Mereka muncul juara dan seterusnya menjadi kumpulan paling paling popular - The Jackson Five, dan kemudiannya The Jackson 5.
Michael membuat album sulungnya pada 1972, dan album Thriller pada 1982, yang terus menjadi lagu top 10.
Albumnya dijual sebanyak 21 juta di Amerika Syarikat dan sekurang-kurangnya 27 juta di seluruh dunia.
Penerima 13 kali Anugerah Grammy semasa hayatnya bergelut dengan pelbagai kontroversi, termasuklah dakwaannya memeluk Islam serta dituduh mencabul kehormatan seorang budak lelaki pada 1993.
Pada November tahun lalu, akhbar melaporkan, Michael memeluk Islam di rumah seorang rakannya Steve Porcaro di Los Angeles.
Turut hadir pada majlis itu penyanyi Yusuf Islam, pencipta lagu David Wharnsby dan penerbit album Philip Bubal.
Beliau dilaporkan memilih "Mikaeel" - sempena nama malaikat pembawa rezeki - sebagai nama Islamnya.
Abangnya Jermaine dilaporkan berkata, pemegang gelaran “penghibur sepanjang zaman” oleh Guinness World Records itu menunjukkan kecenderungan untuk memeluk Islam sejak awal 1990-an.
Michael kaya raya apabila album ketujuhnya Thriller terjual 109 juta keping, membina sebuah rumah mewah di Los Angelas yang dilengkapi dengan taman tema dan zoo persendirian.
Kediamannya itu sering dikunjungi kanak-kanak yang kurang bernasib baik dan menghidap penyakit yang tidak boleh dirawat.
Di situ beliau bergelut dengan kontroversi yang mendakwa beliau telah mencabul seorang kanak-kanak pada 1993. Beliau diseret ke mahkamah sepuluh tahun selepas itu.
Bagaimanapun, selepas perbicaraan panjang selama dua tahun, mahkamah telah membersihkan namanya dengan mengumumkan beliau tidak bersalah.
Michael menjadi kegilaan anak muda di seluruh dunia dengan suara dan penampilannya yang unik, selain gerak tarinya yang bertenaga di pentas - dikenali sebagai tarian robot dan moonwalk.
Terakhir beliau bergelut dengan tuntutan saman sebanyak AS$7 juta (RM25.26) oleh seorang kerabat diraja Bahrain, Sheikh Abdulla Hamad Al Khalifa kerana didakwa melanggar perjanjian untuk merakam album dan mengadakan konsert di negara itu.
A teacher who was brutally assaulted by a 15-year-old pupil accused the school where the attack took place of 'putting her in the way of a rapist'.
The 32-year-old, who cannot be identified, said Westminster City School should have warned her that it was unsafe for her to be in her classroom alone after lessons.
The woman was attacked by powerfully-built Dwayne Best as she marked books after school - within a week of starting her job in September, 2004.
Best is serving a life sentence after being convicted at the Old Bailey.
Miss X sued the governing body of the school over her 'truly horrifying' ordeal. She has reached a secret settlement in the damages action.
Her counsel, Neil Block QC, told Mr Justice Foskett at London's High Court that her allegations of negligence against the school were on the basis that there had been a previous less serious sexual assault on a cleaner.
Best also had the 'most appalling' documented history in and out of school, displaying a belligerent and aggressive attitude.
Speaking after the case, Miss X said she had decided to bring a civil case because she thought the school should be held to account for their failings.
'They really failed. They let me down and I do hold them responsible for putting me in the way of a rapist.'
She said that the school had a duty of care to its employees under health and safety law which had not been followed.
The school should have carried out a risk assessment after the cleaner had been attacked, Miss X said.
'Nobody warned me. On a basic level that's what it comes down to, if they had warned me, I wouldn't have been there in the classroom.
'Truly horrifying': The teacher was raped by pupil Dwayne Best at Westminster City School (above). She says the school should be held responsible for the crime
'I take my own safety very seriously and I always have. I don't put myself in those kind of positions.
'Somebody else put me in the way of a rapist, that infuriates me intensely. Everybody has the right, not only to not be raped, but to make decisions about their own safety.'
Miss X said that Best's school records showed a 'degenerative' pattern of behaviour that the school should have picked up on.
'It was really bad management. If you have pupils who are in need of structure and behavioural management then you have in place policies and structures for teachers to use.'
Best's continually disruptive behaviour meant he should have been excluded, she said.
'If they had done right by me, I wouldn't have been there, and if they had done right by him, he was entitled to be properly managed, he wouldn't have been there.
'It's very sad that nobody valued my life enough to take one or two simple steps, that's one of the most depressing aspects of the case.'
Miss X said she hoped that her case would make schools go back and look again at their policies and risk assessments to make sure they are doing what they can to keep their staff safe.
Miss X has not returned to teaching since the attack.
She said: 'Being raped and losing my job was like being bereaved. I lost a thing I loved doing. It was devastating. I lost myself.'
Miss X said she was now looking forward to the future, with hopes of setting up her own business and starting a family.
Mr Block told the court today that the two sides had agreed that as there had been a 'generous award in another jurisdiction' to Miss X, the current proceedings should be stayed on confidential terms with the school paying her costs.
The judge said it was very much to her credit that she wanted to use material from the case to ensure other people did not have to go through the same ordeal, and wished her well for the future.
A spokesman for Westminster City School said: 'This incident took place at the school five years ago. It was a highly unusual case which could not have been foreseen by the school. Neither was this incident the fault of the school.
'Both parties have now resolved this matter and are not at liberty to provide any further information.'
Jangan jadikan pelajar bahan ujian PPSMI Jun 23, 09 4:27pm http://www.malaysiakini.com bahawa setakat ini, pencapaian dasar tersebut - yang dimulakan sejak 2003 - adalah nominal, yakni tidak memberi impak yang besar dalam penguasaan bahasa Inggeris mahupun pencapaian Sains dan Matematik. kajian Permuafakatan Badan Ilmiah Nasional (PEMBINA) dengan kerjasama lapan institusi pengajian tinggi tempatan Februari lalu mengenai tahap kompetensi guru dalam PPSMI serta implikasinya terhadap pembangunan modal insan.
Kajian itu, berasaskan sampel dari 553 orang guru dan 15,089 pelajar dari kawasan bandar dan luar bandar, termasuk Sekolah Kebangsaan Orang Asli. PPSMI rugikan murid
"Dari aspek keupayaan perlaksanaan dasar, kajian itu mendapati ramai lagi guru yang belum layak mengajar subjek Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris di mana 39.3 peratus guru (74) sekolah rendah dan 25.3 peratus guru (93) sekolah menengah gagal dalam Penilaian Tahap Profisiensi Bahasa Inggeris.
dari segi status pelaksanaan PPSMI dan sumbangannya terhadap peningkatan penguasaan dan pencapaian Bahasa Inggeris murid-murid pula, PEMBINA mendapati:
Sekolah rendah: Sumbangan dan korelasinya adalah rendah bagi mata pelajaran Sains, iaitu ia hanya berjaya menyumbang meningkatkan bahasa Inggeris sebanyak 0.7 peratus sahaja. Sementara bagi Matematik, tiada sumbangan terhadap peningkatan bahasa Inggeris.
Sekolah Menengah Aliran Sastera: Bagi mata pelajaran Sains dan Matematik sumbangan dan korelasinya rendah. Di mana bagi Matematik hanya berjaya menyumbang peningkatan bahasa Inggeris sebanyak 1.0 peratus dan 0.6 peratus bagi Sains.
Sekolah Menengah Aliran Sains: Hanya dua mata pelajaran sahaja yang menunjukkan ada korelasi dan sumbangan rendah, iaitu Kimia 2 dan Matematik Tambahan. Di mana, jumlah kedua-dua mata pelajaran ini hanya menyumbangkan sebanyak 0.9 peratus, iaitu 0.6 peratus bagi Kimia 2 dan 0.3 peratus bagi Matematik Tambahan.
kajian PEMBINA juga mendapati pelaksanaan PPSMI menyebabkan kerugian berganda kepada murid-murid, terutama kepada kira-kira 75 peratus murid yang tergolong dalam kategori sederhana dan lemah di dalam ketiga-tiga mata pelajaran, iaitu Bahasa Inggeris, Sains dan Matematik.
"Ini dibuktikan dengan analisa sampel terhadap keputusan peperiksaan yang diambil ke atas 5,590 murid tahun 5, kohort 2 (2004) dari 56 SK seluruh negara, menunjukkan pencapaian mereka semakin merosot, malah ada yang dengan drastik merudum apabila mereka naik ke tahun yang lebih tinggi, iaitu di Tahun 2 (2005), Tahun 3 (2006), Tahun 4 (2007), Tahun 5 (2008) dan dijangkakan berterusan di Tahun 6 (2009),"
An Iranian woman looks up at the camera as she lies dying on the streets of Tehran after Saturday's democracy protests.
Blood starts to pour from her mouth and her nose. Her eyes roll back as men scramble vainly to keep her alive.
The woman, named today as 27-year-old Neda Agha Soltani, had been shot through the heart. She died within minutes.
Foreign media are banned from reporting on 'non-official' events in Iran and dozens of journalists have been arrested or deported in the latest crisis.
But the video of Neda bleeding to death has been broadcast across the globe via the internet and has become a rallying point for protesters.
Neda slumps to the ground after being shot during Saturday's demonstrations
Iranian men trying to help a wounded woman named 'Neda' after getting shot in the chest during a protest in Tehran at the weekend
This afternoon demonstrators returned to the streets of Tehran where they were confronted by hundreds of riot police. It was also revealed that the families of British Embassy staff were being evacuated from the country.
The Neda film has been posted on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook and has become a rallying point for anti-government protesters inside Iran and around the world.
Her name even became a 'trending topic' on Twitter, showing that had become one of the most-repeated words on the microblogging site. Tribute websites have also begun to spring up.
A Facebook group created to mourn her calls her 'The Angel of Iran.'
Gunned down: This picture of 'Neda' was posted after the video emerged
'RIP Neda, the world cries seeing your last breath,' was one of a flood of trbute messages on Twitter.
'Neda is everyone's sister, everyone's daughter, everyone's voice for freedom,' said another.
Reports say Neda was watching Saturday’s protests with her father when she was shot by Iran’s militia.
A message posted with the original YouTube video alleges she was intentionally shot through the chest by a Basij member hiding on a rooftop.
'He had clear shot at the girl and could not miss her. However, he aimed straight her heart.'
'I am a doctor, so I rushed to try to save her. But the impact of the gunshot was so fierce that the bullet had blasted inside the victim's chest, and she died in less than two minutes.
'The protests were going on about one kilometre away in the main street and some of the protesting crowd were running from tear gas used among them, towards Salehi Street.'
'Neda' in Farsi means 'the call' or 'the voice'. A website linked to opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi named the woman as 27-year-old Neda Agha Soltan.
In other developments, the Foreign Office this afternoon announced it was evacuating the families of staff based in Iran amid continued violence in the wake of the country's disputed election.
The decision came after repeated criticism of Britain by Iranian leaders, and an increasingly tense atmosphere following angry clashes between demonstrators and security officials.
Staff will remain in Iran for now, and the Foreign Office confirmed that it was not advising other British nationals to leave. However, it said officials are monitoring the situation with the utmost vigilance.
The bleeding teenager is helped by the two demonstrators
'The families of our staff have been unable to carry out their lives as usual. As a result, we are withdrawing the dependents of embassy staff,' a Foreign Office spokesman said.
IT giant Siemens and mobile phone firm Nokia supplied Iran with the technology it is using to block phone and internet access.
The companies helped the hardline Iranian regime develop one of the world's most sophisticated mechanisms for controlling and censoring the internet.
In recent weeks, the country's interior ministry have been battling to stop protesters from posting messages, pictures and video on websites like YouTube and Twitter.
Iran's monitoring system works using equipment installed into the telecoms network. It analyses the flow of online data, from emails and internet phone calls to images and messages on social-networking sites.
The country's highest electoral authority, the Guardian Council, today acknowledged that there were voting irregularities in 50 electoral districts, the most serious official admission so far of problems in the election. But the council insisted the problems do not affect the outcome of the vote.
Bloody: Her fellow protesters battle to save Neda's life
Blood pours from a head wound. It is clear Neda has lost her brief fight for life
Earlier, the elite Revolutionary Guard issued its sternest warning so far in the post-election crisis.
It warned protesters to 'be prepared for a resolution and revolutionary confrontation with the Guards, Basij and other security forces and disciplinary forces' if they continue their near-daily rallies.
The Basij, a plainclothes militia under the command of the Revolutionary Guard, have been used to quell street protests that erupted after the election result was announced.
The Guard statement ordered demonstrators to 'end the sabotage and rioting activities' and said their resistance is a 'conspiracy' against Iran.
On Sunday, acting joint chief of the armed forces Gen. Gholam Ali Rashid issued a thinly veiled warning to Mousavi, saying 'we are determined to confront plots by enemies aimed at creating a rift in the nation'.
And opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi has warned supporters of danger ahead, and said he would stand by the protesters 'at all times.'
But in the website letters, he said he would 'never allow anybody's life to be endangered because of my actions' and called for pursuing fraud claims through an independent board.
A photograph of the woman's grave was posted on the internet this evening
The former prime minister, a longtime loyalist of the Islamic government, also called the Basij and military 'our brothers' and 'protectors of our revolution and regime.
He may be trying to constrain his followers' demands before they pose a mortal threat to Iran's system of limited democracy constrained by Shia clerics, who have ultimate authority.
His chances of success within the system would be far higher if he had backers among those clerics.
In the clearest sign yet of a splintering among the ayatollahs, state media announced the arrests on Sunday of relatives of former President Hashemi Rafsanjani including his daughter Faezeh, a 46-year-old reformist politician vilified by hardliners for her open support of Mousavi.
Rafsanjani's relatives, who state media said were held for their own protection, were released after a few hours.
Rafsanjani heads the cleric-run Assembly of Experts, which can remove the supreme leader, the country's most powerful figure. He also chairs the Expediency Council, a body that arbitrates disputes between parliament and the unelected Guardian Council.
Rafsanjani and his family have been accused of corruption by hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And the 75-year-old ayatollah was conspicuously absent Friday from an address by the country's supreme leader calling for national unity and siding with the president.
That fuelled speculation that Rafsanjani, who has made no public comment since the election, may be working behind the scenes and favoring Mousavi.
A demonstrator in LA holds a picture of Neda as Iranian-Americans and supporters protest what they say are crimes against humanity
Iranian-Americans in Los Angeles hold signs to identify with a girl known as Neda, believed to be a teenager, who was shot dead in Tehran
The protest in Los Angeles was one of hundreds around the world
Ahmadinejad appeared to be courting his own clerical support. State television showed him meeting with mullahs at the presidential palace and telling them the election had demonstrated popular love for the regime.
He criticised Gordon Brown and US President Barack Obama, who on Saturday urged Iranian authorities to halt 'all violent and unjust actions against its own people.'
'With that behaviour you will not be among Iran's friends,' Ahmadinejad said, in a potentially ominous sign for Obama's recent efforts to warm relations with Iran.
U.S.-allied Arab states who fear Iranian expansionism may be enjoying the spectacle of violent protest over President Ahmadinejad's re-election, but fear over the fallout is beginning to filter through.
Thousands of Iranians have clashed with police in recent days claiming elections that gave populist anti-Western leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a second term were rigged.
Arab officials broke their silence today when the United Arab Emirates' foreign minister appeared to back Tehran's claims of Western meddling, saying interference was 'unacceptable'.
Iranian security personnel stand guard outside a government building in Fatemi Square in Tehran this afternoon
'All countries in the region are in the same boat in believing that there is no interest for any country to be exposed to instability,' Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahayan said in comments carried by Al Jazeera television.
Many of the smaller Gulf Arab states lying across the Gulf waterway have maintained close ties with the Shi'ite power, veering from Saudi and Egyptian-led attempts to ostracise Iran over backing for Arab opposition groups and Shi'ites.
Saudi media has given maximum play to Tehran's troubles, with newspapers splashing images of bloodied protesters on front pages and pan-Arab channel Al Arabiya running endless footage.
'The regime feels for the first time that there is a clear domestic threat,' wrote Abdel-Rahman al-Rashed, manager of Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV, in pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat.
'The worst is if it digs its heels in at home and abroad. The best is if it realises the huge difference between its slogans and people's demands and chooses reconciliation through retreating from its projects and adventures.'
In this photograph posted on the internet, an Iranian protestor flashes the victory sign from behind a public trash bin set on fire at an anti-government protest in Tehran
Iranian riot police clash with stone-throwing demonstrators
Saudi rulers got their first foreign policy break earlier this month after several years of setbacks against Iran when their pro-U.S. allies in Lebanese elections won a surprise victory against Hezbollah-led opposition group backed by Iran.
Some gloating also crept into Egypt's state media coverage. But analysts say the unfolding events could have unpredictable outcomes for these Sunni Muslim governments, who are pillars of U.S. political, economic and military policy in the region.
A government spokesman said Iraq would respect the result of whoever Iran wants as leader but avoided mentioning Ahmadinejad by name. This may reflect uncertainty over where events are leading.
As'ad AbuKhalil, Lebanese politics professor at California State University, said Iranian opponents of Ahmadinejad - if they come out on top - would still likely promote a nationalist agenda that Riyadh sees as a threat to its interests.
Determined: Mir Hossein Mousavi
Opposition leader Mirhossein Mousavi was prime minister under the Islamic Republic's founder Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
'The site of public demonstrations by the thousands against their leaders ...troubles all Arab leaders,' AbuKhalil said, pointing to the lack of popular democracy on a par with that of Iran in most of the Arab countries.
'Arab regimes may also fear that if the Iranian regime feels cornered and pressured, it may lash out, and Saudi Arabia may be the first to feel the wrath of the regime,' he said.
There are already hints of what that could mean.
Iran's airforce began exercises on Monday in the Gulf and the Sea of Oman. Iran has strongest navy in Gulf, deploying ships to international waters such as the Gulf of Aden near Yemen and has carried out numerous long-range missile tests.
Last week Iran's 'Supreme Leader' Ali Khamenei came out openly in favour of Ahmadinejad and his nuclear energy policy, which the West and Gulf Arab countries fear will allow Iran to become a nuclear weapons power. Tehran denies this intention.
A Western diplomat in the Gulf said this would reduce the chances of Iran achieving the rapprochement with Washington so feared by Riyadh.'The status quo suits everyone to a degree,' he said.
Ahmadinejad's re-election, analysts said, would comfort many Israelis and some Arabs who have long sought international action against Iran and had been concerned by U.S. President Barack Obama's offer of direct talks.
Saudi Arabia, whose absolute monarchy relies on U.S. military support and the backing of hardline Sunni clerics, fears Iran could win recognition from Washington as a regional power in return for checks on its nuclear programme.
Faezeh Rafsanjani (C), daughter of former Iranian president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, attends an opposition rally in Tehran
But there are also signs that Arabs who benefit from Ahmadinejad's strident backing for groups fighting what he depicts as neo-colonialist forces - Washington and Israel - are getting nervous over what happens if he is forced out.
'(Hezbollah) genuinely are concerned. Ahmadinejad has clearly been a source of inspiration and support for Hezbollah over the last four years,' said Lebanese analyst Oussama Safa.
The group's deputy leader Naim Kassem has backed Iran's charge of foreign interference and its system of clerical rule.
'We see America and Britain and some of the European states getting involved in the events in Iran. There is an attempt to provoke turmoil, to inflate the problem, for foreign interests,' he told Lebanon's New TV this week.
Videos: Iranian riot police arrest two protesters and Basij militia shoots at teenagers
Nik Aziz (left) and Nasharudin Mat Isa have resolved their differences following their recent disagreement over unity tallks with Umno. – Bernama pic
KUALA LUMPUR, June 22 — Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat has made peace with PAS deputy president Nasharuddin Mat Isa, ending weeks of unrest confronting the party following its controversial effort to court rivals Umno to form a unity government.
The influential party spiritual leader had a closed door meeting with Nasharuddin this evening at the PAS headquarters here and later issued a statement that they have sorted out their differences and agree not to raise the unity talk issue anymore.
“We have decided, in a family spirit, to settle our differences over the issue which has been exploited by the mainstream media,” Nik Aziz said in the statement.
“We agreed to forget about the miscommunication that has occurred at the party’s leadership level as a result of Umno’s cheap political game,” he added.
Nasharuddin has been the target of Nik Aziz’s attack for his pro-unity talks stand and the rift between the two culminated with the latter’s outburst, calling for the former to resign and join Umno after he stubbornly floated with the unity government idea despite heavy protest.
But today, the Kelantan mentri besar seemed to want to forget about all this, retracting past statements made against Nasharuddin, who is also Bachok MP.
“So this issue between me and him should no longer be raised,” Nik Aziz said further.
His comments echo the earlier joint statement to reject any form of unity talks with Umno, which was made by Pakatan Rakyat leaders in Parliament this evening. That statement was meant to end the fiasco which brought the opposition coalition to the brink of separation.
Pakatan leaders, including unity government proponent, PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Awang, also made fresh loyalty pledges to strengthen the electoral pact and prepare for a possible takeover of the federal government in the next general elections.
Pakatan leaders speak to the press after their meeting today. — Picture by Choo Choy May
By Syed Jaymal Zahiid
KUALA LUMPUR, June 22 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders today rejected Umno's unity government proposal, and proclaimed all issues surrounding the fiasco which brought the fledgling opposition coalition on the brink of collapse resolved.
Following a meeting held in Parliament today, PR leaders in a joint statement reiterated their loyalty pledge to strengthen the alliance, wanting to focus instead on their preparation for the next general election and a potential takeover of the federal government.
"The PR council of leaders reaffirms our rejection of the idea of forming a unity government with Umno/Barisan Nasional.
"It is a clearly malicious and desperate attempt to compromise the integrity of the increasingly popular PR," said PKR de facto Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim at a press conference held after the meeting.
Anwar has played a pivotal role in patching up the cracks among the three parties over the unity talks proposed by PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang and his deputy Nasharuddin Mat Isa.
He held various private meetings with Hadi, DAP’s Lim Kit Siang and PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat in the past week, playing mediator by urging them to bypass the unity talks controversy and move on.
Party sources said the results of these meetings can be seen in the sudden reversal made by various PR leaders who, instead of attacking Hadi over his flirtations with Umno, said it was noble and democratic to make space for engagement with their rivals on matters of national interest.
Hadi was the first to make such drastic turnabout, saying the unity government idea was ill-conceived – even by Umno themselves – and that PAS was only willing to “engage” Umno/BN on specific issues and not on Malay and Islamic unity as reported in the past.
This was again reiterated by PR leaders in today’s meeting with Anwar, saying that PR is willing to engage Umno/BN on matters such as improving the quality of education, restoring the integrity of the judiciary and eradication of corruption.
KUANTAN[3.40 pm] - Biarpun mengecapi kejayaan dan memenangi hadiah wang tunai RM100,000, hasil kejuaraannya dalam rancangan realiti Akademi Nasyid di TV9 2008 namun tiada yang tahu bahawa Ustaz Azhan Atan rupanya kini telah di"gam" oleh pihak media, termasuk RTM dan TV9 sendiri. Menurut Azhan, beliau merasa amat terkilan biarpun kontraknya dengan TV9 masih berbaki dua tahun namun kini segalanya bagai sekadar "kontrak" semata-mata. Sedangkan kelibatnya dihalang untuk muncul dalam mana-mana siaran terbitan stesyen TV milik Media Prima itu. Ia mungkin berikutan kelibat beliau yang sering muncul dalam program-program anjuran PAS sejak akhir-akhir ini. Biar pun beliau tidak berceramah politik dan hanya sekadar mengadakan persembahan hiburan semata-mata, namun ketakutan tidak bertempat pihak-pihak berkenaan menyebabkan beliau disingkirkan. Kami sempat bertemu beliau dalam satu program Gabungan penceramah, penasyid dan blogger Malam Kesenian Islam anjuran PAS Taman Tas dekat sini malam tadi. Dalam program yang diadakan di Markas PAS Taman Tas itu, Ustaz Azhan telah mendendangkan beberapa buah lagu dari album terbaru beliau yang sedang berada di pasaran sekarang ini. Malah, beliau turut mengalunkan beberapa buah ayat suci Al-Quran dan berselawat dalam program itu.
Biarpun kehadiran orang ramai tidak seperti yang dijangkakan kerana faktor cuaca, namun beliau telah berjaya mengadakan persembahan dengan baik serta menghiburkan orang ramai yang hadir malam itu. Program yang turut menampilkan ceramah oleh Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Pahang, Ustaz Suhaimi Saad itu turut menampilkan krew kami Blogger Cucumatkilau sebagai Pengacara jemputan. Turut hadir ialah Ustaz Yusof Embong, Ketua PAS Kawasan Paya Besar. Ketika ditemui, Ustaz Azhan berkata katanya. "Biarpun agak terkilan dengan sikap pihak media kepada saya, namun saya terima dengan seadanya. Malah, lebih mengecewakan ialah album baru saya yang bertajuk Ku Milik Mu telah dilancarkan tanpa sebarang sidang media seperti kebiasaannya. Album yang sudah berada dipasaran itu diterbitkan oleh Hijjaz Records dan diedarkan oleh Warner Music. Ia menampilkan beberapa buah lagu ciptaan anggota kumpulan Hijjaz sendiri""Atas tekanan pihak kerajaan, majlis pelancaran album ini tidak diadakan. Ini menyebabkan saya terpaksa turun padang untuk mempromosikan album tersebut tanpa sokongan pihak media. Apapun, saya tetap tabah menghadapi dugaan ini" tambah beliau lagi dengan nada yang agak serius dan terharu.
Sementara itu menurut Ustaz Yusof Embong "Di antara hiburan yang dapat menghibur jiwa dan menenangkan hati serta mengenakkan telinga, ialah nyanyian. Hal ini dibolehkan oleh Islam, selama tidak dicampuri omong kotor, cabul dan yang kiranya dapat mengarah kepada perbuatan dosa.Dan tidak salah pula kalau disertainya dengan muzik yang tidak membangkitkan nafsu.Bahkan disunatkan dalam situasi gembira, guna melahirkan perasaan riang dan menghibur hati, seperti pada hari raya, perkahwinan, kedatangan orang yang sudah lama tidak datang, saat walimah, aqiqah dan di waktu lahirnya seorang bayi". (Ulasan di Blog Ustaz Yusof Embong). Kami amat terkejut dengan maklumat yang mengatakan Ustaz Azhan telah digam oleh media arus perdana sebenarnya. Justeru itu, kami menyeru kepada peminat seni hiburan nasyid tanahair dan seluruh dunia untuk memberikan sokongan padu kepada Ustaz Azhan. Caranya dengan membeli album terbaru beliau yang kini sudah berada di pasaran sekarang. Anda boleh dapatkan di kedai-kedai kaset yang berdekatan mulai sekarang. Sokongan semua akan memberi harapan baru buat penyanyi nasyid ini untuk terus berjaya di persada muzik nasyid tanahair nanti.
[Kami amat terkejut melihat Ustaz Azhan turut melakukan sendiri segala urusan yang berkaitan dengan persembahannya, termasuk mengemas barangan yang berkaitan. Sesungguhnya hiburan alternatif yang dibawa oleh beliau yang merupakan aktivis PAS sejak sekian lama itu dapat memberi sinar baru kepada industri hiburan nasyid di negara kita. Sokongan padu daripada semua pihak amatlah dialu-alukan bagi menyokong beliau. Kami juga mengambil peluang untuk mengucapkan syabas dan tahniah kepada PAS Taman Tas atas daya usaha membawa persembahan Ustaz Azhan ke Kuantan malam tadi. Seharusnya program seperti ini dapat diperbanyakkan lagi ke seluruh negara. Mungkin dengan cara itu, ia dapat memberikan sedikit imbuhan yang berguna kepada beliau. Dalam majlis itu juga PAS Taman Tas turut mengumumkan pelancaran laman blog mereka iaitu www.tamantassyabab.blogspot.com. Justeru itu, kepada semua bolehlah melayari laman blog PAS Taman Tas ini untuk mengetahui segala aktiviti terkini program mereka]. http://pahangdaily.blogspot.com/
Kes Nurin: Peniaga, adik ipar saman polis Jun 19, 09 12:37pm Seorang peniaga dan adik iparnya yang ditahan dua tahun lalu berhubung pembunuhan Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, memfailkan saman di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur hari ini terhadap polis yang didakwa telah menangkap dan menahan mereka secara salah.
Mohamad Zamri Ibrahim, 35, seorang pemilik kedai pakaian, dan bekas jurutera Mohd Suhaimi Yusoff, 30, masing-masing memfailkan writ saman berasingan di Pejabat Pendaftar Mahkamah Sesyen Sivil melalui firma guaman Tetuan Lainah Yaacob & Zulkepli.
Mereka menamakan ASP Loh Pei Pei, Ketua Polis Negara dan kerajaan sebagai defendan, lapor Bernama
Mereka menuntut gantirugi am, ganti rugi khas, gantirugi teladan, gantirugi hukuman, faedah, kos dan relif lain yang difikirkan wajar oleh mahkamah. Jumlah ganti rugi tidak dinyatakan dalam pernyataan tuntutan mereka.
Pada 20 Ogos 2007, Nurin - pelajar tahun dua Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Desa Setapak - dilaporkan hilang setelah keluar bersendirian ke pasar malam berhampiran rumahnya di Seksyen 1 Wangsa Maju.
Mayatnya ditemui pada 17 September tahun yang sama, iaitu 27 hari kemudian, dalam sebuah beg yang diletakkan di hadapan premis perniagaan di Petaling Jaya.
Bedah siasat mendapati Nurin mati akibat didera secara seksual.
Mahu bersih nama
Mengikut pernyataan tuntutan Mohamad Zamri dan Mohd Suhaimi, mereka mendakwa mereka telah dipukul, dipijak dan ditendang dan dihentak oleh polis. Mereka berkata mereka kemudiannya telah disoal siasat dan ditahan reman sebelum dibebaskan.
Mohamad Zambri dan Mohd Suhaimi mendakwa anggota polis kemudiannya telah bertanyakan bertalu-talu dengan nada keras dan kasar di mana Nurin dikurung serta di mana VCD lucah diletakkan tetapi kedua-dua mereka itu telah memaklumkan kepada polis bahawa mereka tidak tahu menahu berkenaan dengan perkara itu.
Kedua-dua mereka berkata akibat daripada tindakan polis, mereka mengalami kecederaan, tekanan, kehinaan dan rasa malu yang amat sangat.
Mohamad Zambri mendakwa dia sedang memandu kereta bersama isterinya,
dan tiba-tiba dihalang tiga kereta dan beberapa lelaki berpakaian biasa di mana seorang telah mengacu pistol ke arahnya sebelum dia ditarik keluar dan digari sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah kereta manakala isterinya dimasukkan ke dalam kereta berlainan.
Mohd Suhaimi, dalam pernyataan tuntutannya, berkata dia ditangkap polis ketika beliau berada dalam kedai milik Mohamad Zambri.
Mohamad Zambri yang hadir di Kompleks Mahkamah di Jalan Duta hari ini bersama-sama isterinya Norhaniyah Yusof, 35, memberitahu pemberita bahawa mereka mahu membersihkan nama mereka dan meminta supaya maruah mereka dikembalikan kepada mereka.
http://www.murai.com.my 12-Jun-2009 | Oleh: Ellyna Ali
Allahyarham Shukery Suami, Ayah Penyayang
Teks oleh Ellyna Ali
KUALA LUMPUR, 12 JUN 2009: Sudah 3 hari, pelakon Shukery Hashim, 55, meninggalkan kita semua. Namun, pemergian arwah masih lagi dirasai seluruh keluarganya teruama isterinya, Faridah Mat Desa, 51.
"Selama 30 tahun hidup bersama arwah, saya benar-benar sangat gembira dan bahagia kerana arwah seorang suami dan ayah yang cukup penyayang dan bertanggungjawab terhadap keluarga dan anak-anak.
"Sebelum dia pergi, dia sudah bereskan segala bayaran rumah dan hutang piutang yang lain. Malah, dia turut meninggalkan wang EPF dia untuk saya. Wang EPF itu diperolehi sewaktu dia bekerja di Filem Negara Malaysia dulu.
"Katanya, kalau dia pergi, dia tidak mahu saya rasa susah. Dia mahu saya sentiasa hidup senang setelah ketiadaannya nanti," katanya Faridah atau mesra dikenali sebagai Kak Nen kepada murai.com.my.
Menurut Faridah lagi, ketika hayatnya, arwah memang seorang yang sentiasa beringat tentang masa depannya.
"Berkat usaha dan kerja kerasnya berlakon di sana sini, dia dapat menyimpan untuk membeli rumah, memberikan pendidikan anak-anak serta mengerjakan haji dengan membawa saya bersamanya. Dia juga seorang suami yang gemar melawak tetapi pada waktu yang sama suka mengambil berat tentang soal-soal agama. Di dalam bilik tidur, dia telah membina tempat wuduknya sendiri.
"Malah, awal tahun ini, dia telah membina loteng yang dijadikan surau kecilnya di ruang atas balkoni rumah kami . Di situ dia turut membina tempat wuduknya.
"Walaupun agak tinggi untuk menaiki tangga loteng surau itu, tapi dia masih boleh melakukannya sebelum dia sakit dan sebelum doktor mengesahkan dia menghidap barah pankreas,” katanya sewaktu ditemui di kediamannya di Taman Fairuzah, Ampang Campuran.
Jelas Faridah lagi, walaupun sibuk macam mana, namun arwah masih sempat meluangkan masa untuk membawa keluarga berjalan-jalan.
"Dia juga lebih suka pulang ke rumah kalau setiap kali mempunyai shooting di sekitar Kuala Lumpur. Apabila pulang ke rumah, dia selalu bersantai di ruang balkoni yang memang jadi kegemarannya. Selalunya juga dia minta saya temankan dia sambil berbual-bual. Adakalnya dia lebih suka tidur di ruang balkoni tersebut," katanya.
Dapat mimpi arwah meninggal dunia
Sambung Faridah lagi, dia sungguh tidak menyangka begitu cepat arwah meninggalkannya sekeluarga bersama anak-anak.
"Jangkaan doktor, dia dapat hidup lebih kurang setahun atau 6 bulan lagi. Tapi, dia pergi lebih cepat daripada itu. Namun saya reda dengan pemergiannya. Allah telah permudahkan pemergiannya.
"Namun, sebelum dia dimasukkan ke hospital pada Jumaat lalu, saya telah pun mendapat mimpi yang dia akan pergi tinggalkan saya. Dalam mimpi itu dia melambai-lambai pada saya.
"Saya agak terkejut juga bila mendapat mimpi itu, tapi saya diamkan saya. Sepanjang dimasukkan ke hospital, saya sempat menyediakan mihun goreng untuknya pada Ahad lalu. Dia yang minta saya buatkan mihun goreng itu.
"Arwah juga sempat menyiapkan semua drama lakonannya sebelum dia mendapat ratawan di hospital. Yang terakhir adalah drama Cinta Untuk Ain dan Cinta Gila," katanya.
Hasil perkahwinannya bersama Faridah, arwah telah dikurniakan 5 orang anak iaitu Nurshikin, 28; Nur Izaty, 27; Mohd Firdza, 25; Mohd Aidil 21; Mohd Amirul, 14, serta 3 cucu iaitu Nur Hanis Balqis, 2; Nur Arisa Sofia, 3 bulan dan Nur Umairah Syifa, 2 bulan.
Anak kedua arwah, Izaty pula menyifatkan arwah sebagai seorang bapa yang cukup penyayang dan tidak pernah mengabaikan anak-anak.
"Ayah cukup mengambil berat tentang masalah kami sebagai anak-anak dan sentiasa mahu memberikan yang terbaik untuk kami. Dia juga selalu bawa kami jalan-jalan dan sampai sekarang pun dia masih rajin membawa cucu-cucunya keluar.
"Dengan ibu, mereka memang pasangan yang cukup loving. Mereka selalu habiskan masa bersama-sama dan kalau ke mana-mana juga mesti bersama. Kami tak pernah melihat arwah sebagai seorang pelakon tetapi lebih kepada seorang ayah yang cukup sayangkan keluarga serta anak-anak," katanya.
Jenazah arwah telah dikebumi di Tanah Perkuburan Islam di Keramat, Rabu lalu, sekitar jam 6 petang. Ramai rakan artis, produser drama serta filem yang hadir seperti Datuk Yusof Haslam, U-Wei, Raja Azmi Raja Sulaiman, Eman Manan, Rosyam Nor serta Den Wahab. Al Fatihah, Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. Amin.
Pada bulan Mac 2009 City Explorer di Seremban sebuah majalah pengiklanan telah menyiarkan iklan mengenai judi dimana beberapa nama orang Melayu telah dipaparkan menunjukkan keberkesanan khidmat nasihat untuk mendapatkan nombor ekor. Perkara ini telah dibantah dalam laman web AMKNS pada pautan berikut http://amkns.blogspot.com/2009/03/city-explorer-seremban-promosi-judi.html
Namun pada bulan Jun 2009 , City Explorer tidak lagi menyiarkan nama-nama Melayu pada iklan khidmat nasihat nombor ekor. Secara tidak langsung ianya tidak menggalakkan orang Melayu yang mengikut perlembagaan Malaysia adalah beragama Islam untuk berjudi di kedai judi berlesen ( Kalau tak berlesen mengikut istilah undang-undang Malaysia ialah Judi Haram).
Orang Cina pun sensitif terhadap perasaan orang Islam, walaupun hanya sedikit disentuh dalam laman web.
Tapi sayang seribu kali sayang, sebaliknya akhbar berbahasa Melayu seperti Berita Harian dan Utusan Malaysia pula dari dulu hingga kini mungkin tidak selamanya (itulah yang diharapkan) menyiarkan keputusan nombor ekor dari kedai nombor ekor berlesen (Judi Tak Haram agaknya). Ini secara tidak langsung menggalakkan orang Melayu yang beragama Islam untuk berjudi.
Kalau Berita Harian dan Utusan Malaysia tak siarkan keputusan nombor ekor , pelik juga nanti kita tengok orang Melayu duduk kedai kopi sebelah kedai ekor di Senawang atau di Rembau semua baca suratkhabar Cina, suratkhabar Tamil atau suratkhabar Bahasa Inggeris. Juga mereka orang Melayu di kampung-kampung dan tanah-tanah perancangan makin ramai akan langgan suratkhabar bahasa Cina, Tamil dan Inggeris. Tak laku pula Utusan Malaysia dan Berita Harian.
Cukup-cukuplah tu. City Explorer pun sensitif dengan perasaan umat Islam macamana Utusan Malaysia dan Berita Harian tak sensitif ?
Ke nak buat kempen boikot Utusan Malaysia dan Berita Harian selagi iklan judi disiarkan dilancarkan di seluruh pelusuk negara baru nak faham atau buat perhimpunan 100,000 baru nak faham ?
Agak-agaknya mereka yang membeli Utusan Malaysia dan Berita Harian ni ada tak saham sebesar zarah di akhirat nanti bila ditanya berkaitan iklan judi ?
Rosmah Mansor Perempuan Puaka! Part 3 (With Subtitles)
Posted by admin
Wednesday, 17 June 2009 13:19
Due to popular demand, we have rehashed some of the earlier parts 1 and 2 with subtitles. This is to enable those who do not understand the dialogue to follow the events before moving on to the rest of the series of videos.
Dua malam lepas, bapa saudara saya yang tinggal di kampung Tikat dekat Penambang meninggal dunia. Sewaktu menziarahinya, kenangan semasa kecil menyentuh hati saya. Di situlah saya belajar turun ke sawah padi dan terjun ke dalam sungai.
Kampung Tikat, tak lebih 10 kilometer dari pusat bandar adalah sebuah daripada kampung yang paling mundur di Kelantan satu ketika dulu iaitu sejak BN merampas semula Kelantan daripada PAS setelah PAS diusir dari BN.
Sepupu-sepupu saya yang tamat persekolahan semuanya gagal mendapat pekerjaan dalam perkhidmatan awam. Mohon untuk menjadi rekrut tentera pun tidak dapat kerana alamat rumah mereka di Kampung Tikat.
Penduduk kampung Tikat di diskriminasikan oleh Kerajaan Barisan Nasional sama ada dari segi pembangunan, pembahagian baja, biasiswa dan jawatan di dalam perkhidmatan awam. Nasib penduduk di situ sama seperti beberapa kampung lain kerana penduduk di situ secara bulat mengundi PAS di dalam pilihanraya negeri 1977.
PAS tewas teruk dan hanya mampu memenangi 2 kerusi DUN setelah berlaku perpecahan di dalam parti itu yang berpunca dari penyertaannya ke dalam BN pada tahun 1971.
Di dalam pilihanraya pertama setelah 13 Mei 1969, iaitu pada tahun 1974 menyaksikan PAS bertanding di atas label BN dan menentang beberapa pemimpin mereka yang keluar parti dan menamakan diri mereka Bebas Bersatu.
Setelah memenangi Kelantan di atas label BN, PAS hilang kuasa didalam menamakan calon mereka sebagai Menteri Besar sebaliknya keputusan itu dibuat oleh pemimpin UMNO. Akibatknya Mohd Nasir dari PAS di angkat menjadi MB walaupun dia bukan pilihan PAS. Akibatnya berlaku undi tidak percaya kepada Mohd Nasir dan dia ditumbangkan pada tahun 1977.
UMNO kemudiannya mengusir PAS keluar dari BN. PAS yang masih mempunyai majoriti di dalam Dewan Negeri Kelantan memohon perkenan Pemangku Sultan Kelantan supaya dilantik Menteri Besar baru dari nama yang dicadangkan oleh PAS. Istana Kelantan bagaimanapun memilih untuk membubarkan Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan dan ini membangkitkan kemarahan rakyat.
Akibat dari rentetan insiden yang berlaku, Ibrahim Ali dan beberapa pemimpin UMNO telah mengapi-apikan keadaan sehingga berlaku rusuhan. Akibatnya, Parlimen mengisytiharkan Kelantan diperintah di bawah akta Dharurat.
Sepupu-sepupu saya ketika dibesarkan oleh ayah mereka menerusi pendapatan dari bergatih beca. Usaha mereka untuk membantu ayah mereka dengan berkerja di dalam perkhidmatan awam atau tentera tidak tercapai kerana diskriminasi politik.
Akhirnya, sepupu perempuan saya yang juga anak yang sulung dikahwinkan dengan seorang pekerja di Restoran Nasi Sumatera Osman Laring. Selepas Osman Laring meninggal, si suami membuka kedai makan sendiri. Adiknya yang gagal mendapatkan perkerjaan ataupun melanjutkan pelajaran walaupun lulus MCE akhirnya menjadi tukang basuh pinggan di restoran abang iparnya.
Bagaimanapun, dua hari lepas di saat ayah kesayangan mereka menghembuskan nafas terakhir, 4 dari sepupu saya tidak dapat berada disini ayah mereka kerana mereka kini memiliki lebih dari 10 buah rangkaian kedai Nasi Ayam Kampung di sekitar Lembah Kelang.
Kalau dahulu mereka dilahirkan di sebuah pondok kayu usang, saat ayahnya meninggalkan mereka, rumah itu sudah berganti banglow batu sederhana. Kalau dahulu ayah mereka hidup tertekan dan mereka mengharapkan derma dan sumbangan, kini mereka adalah antara penderma utama termasuk sumbangan politik kepada PAS.
Saya menggelarkan mereka jutawan Nasi Ayam Kampung. Tetapi mereka tidak pernah berubah. Mereka terus setia kepada resam hidup mereka sewaktu miskin dahulu dan mereka terus setia bersama parti politik yang mengajar mereka ilmu dunia dan akhirat.
Nasharuddin bersama rakan dalam Pakatan yang cuba ditikam belakang dalam gelap olehnya
Nasharuddin Mat Isa, Timbalan Presiden PAS tidak berasal dari Kelantan. Dia juga tidak berasal dari Kedah. Tetapi hari ini, tentu sekali dia adalah manusia paling gembila mendengar kenyataan Perdana Menteri Malaysia dan Presiden UMNO.
Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak, hari ini mengakui keiklhasan PAS di dalam mengesyorkan Kerajaan Perpaduan bersama UMNO. Kenyataan Najib hari ini seharusnya di baca begini,
“Keikhlasan kerjasama Nasharuddin Mat Isa dan Leftenan Jeneral Wan Abu Bakar untuk melupakan usaha mempertahankan kepimpinan Pak Lah dan kini berusaha mengembalikan legasi Tun Abdul Razak di terima Najib”.
Setelah sekian lama bermain secara rali di mana bulu tangkis dipukul ke sana ke mari di kedua-dua belah gelanggang tanpa maklamat yang jelas, akhirnya Najib memberikan bola tanggung.
Nasharuddin yang sudah lama menantikan peluang itu akhirnya menerkam untuk smash. Nasharuddin segera menjawab kepada media, “terima kasih atas kesudian Najib berbincang pelbagai isu yang dihadapi negara tetapi berkata PAS tidak akan jadi boneka kerajaan”.
Pertama kali dilihat seolah-olah Najib dengan Nasha bercakap macam itik dengan ayam. Apakah mereka sebenarnya bermain badminton di gelanggang berlainan?
Berikut adalah laporan The Star,
When asked if he thought PAS was sincere about the talks, Najib said: ”I sense that they are sincere.”
Pressed further whether he was confident that such talks would transpire, he said : “Ini baru titik permulaan. Kita kena risik dulu lah. Macam kita nak kahwin. Risik-risik dulu. Jadi, jadilah, takdir menentukan. Apa bentuk kita tak tahu. (This is just the starting point. We have to make inquiries first. It’s like when we want to get married. We make inquiries first. If happens, it happens, let fate decide. What form (of unity government) we do not know.”
“We have an open mind. We will see what sort of cooperation is suitable and after that we can discuss. There is no problem to it,” he said.
In an immediate response, PAS deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa welcomed Najib’s willingness to talk on issues affecting the country.
However, he stressed that PAS would not be the Government’s puppet.
Memang jelas bahawa PAS tidak akan menjadi boneka UMNO. Yang jelas akan menjadi bahkan sudah lama menjadi boneka UMNO ialah Nasharuddin Mat Isa, begitu juga Mustaffa Ali, Harun Din, Hassan Ali dan kawan-kawan mereka dari Terengganu.
Apabila datang ke Kelantan minggu lepas ternyata Nasha lebih selesa diselimuti hawa dari penghawa dingin di hotel paling hebat di Kota Bharu daripada dibakar bahang melawat kawasan parlimennya di Bachok.
Mengapa tidaknya, di serata persimpangan jalan ke Kota Bharu, bahkan di pintu masuk utama ke Kompleks Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan, terpampang jelas banner-banner yang menyokong Tuan Guru Nik Aziz di dalam usaha menentang gagasan Kerajaan Perpaduan bersama BN.
Kalau dibandingkan diantara sepupu-sepupu saya dan Nasharuddin Mat Isa, saya yakin sepupu-sepupu saya jauh lebih kaya baik dari segi harta maupun wang tunai. Tetapi mereka tidak memilih untuk hidup di dalam ‘Gated Community” di dalam kawasan esklusif yang hanya menempatkan 30 buah banglow sahaja seperti Timbalan Presiden PAS.
Mereka juga tidak pernah mengumpul kekayaan dengan memohon projek dari Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan seperti Nasharuddin Mat Isa. Apalagi mengaut untung atas angin menerusi projek perumahan rakyat?
Mungkin sebab itulah, sepupu-sepupu saya tidak perlu berbaik dengan UMNO dan bercerita pasal agenda Melayu. Kejayaan mereka bukan kerana UMNO dan bukan melaui MARA. Sebagai warganegara Malaysia, sepupu saya menjunjung Rukun Negara yang pertama iaitu Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan.
Sepanjang hidup mereka, mereka berserah kepada Yang Maha Kuasa dan mereka buktikan bahawa untuk orang Melayu berjaya, orang Melayu tidak perlu berserah kepada UMNO.
Nasharuddin Mat Isa sebagai pemimpin kanan gerakan Islam, seharusnya belajar dari penderitaan sepupu saya. Allah lebih berkuasa daripada UMNO Barisan Nasional.
Rodzake Namis and his wife Zatul Bazamah Abd Rahman are hoping medical experts can help fix Muhammad Nabil Mustaqim Rodzake’s shortcomings. – Bernama pic
KANGAR, June 16 – While the 10-month-old’s birth certificate clearly indicates his sex as male, a poser hangs over the child’s future.
Muhammad Nabil Mustaqim Rodzake does not have a penis.
When born without the male genital organ on Aug 10, last year, he was subjected to a DNA test, only to be confirmed he possessed more male characteristics. Thus, he was registered a male in the BC at the Tuanku Fauziah Hospital.
Met at the family home in Kampung Batu Lima near here, Muhammad Nabil Mustaqim’s mother, Zatul Bazamah Abd Rahman, said her son - the second in the family - was not only born without a penis but also without a right thumb, right ear and proper eye lids.
The family is now seeking help from medical specialists to “fix” the problem, she said.
Zatul Bazamah, 26, said her son was peeing naturally, through the anus.
“We are all sad just to think that he will grow up without the male’s most important organ, and the emotional stress that awaits him,” she noted.
Muhammad Nabil Mustaqim is now receiving specialist treatment both at the Tuanku Fauziah Hospital and Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital in Alor Setar, Kedah.
“We have been told that our son needs to wait a little longer to determine a suitable treatment for the genital while his other physical defects could be fixed through plastic surgery when he is four years old,” said Zatul Bazamah.
Meanwhile, the baby’s father, Rodzake Namis, 34, hopes the treatment could be carried out sooner for fear that it might affect his son emotionally, if it were to be done when he was older. – Bernama
Initially, I didn’t even know that he was from a royal family. I just thought he was just someone big. I didn’t know what his businesses were. I didn’t know anything about him. I didn’t know he was from a royal family until after.
Armando Siahaan, Jakarta Globe
Sitting in a room in a hotel in South Jakarta is a 17-year-old girl who has travelled the world, married a prince and run away, and whose face is now famous across Indonesia. Her story is so extraordinary that it is hard to believe. Her fairytale-to-nightmare claims of a whirlwind marriage, kidnapping, abuse and escape have gripped the public, overshadowing the Ambalat row with Malaysia, upstaging the presidential election.
Used to the company of older men, a 16-year-old Manohara last August married the 30-year-old Tengku Temenggong Fakhry, a Kelantan prince. Two months later, she flew home complaining of abuse, then went back late last year. This February, she claims, she was abducted in a jet after a pilgrimage to Jeddah. Her mother, left behind, went public with the tale in April, pleading for her return. On May 31 Manohara made her great escape: in Singapore with her husband, she got out of her hotel and fled to Jakarta. In the latest twist, the prince this Thursday filed a police report in Malaysia, calling the stories of abuse “false allegations”. For many, though, the best part of the story is where Manohara goes next: I keep smiling, she says, and showbiz opportunities are opening up ...
But how did this whirlwind get whipped up? Who is or was the girl behind the claims? These edited extracts from our exclusive interview give an insight into how the Manohara saga came into being.
Who is Manohara?
I was born in Jakarta, February 28, 1992, [during] my mother’s second marriage. My biological father is from the US, but I haven’t had any contact with him. I tried making contact with him, which I regret. My father that I consider, Reiner Pinot, he’s a great guy. I didn’t miss out much on a father because of him.
Can you briefly tell us about your life growing up?
I left Jakarta when I was 9 months old, for Hong Kong for around two years. For less than six months, we lived in Romania. And then I went to Austria, Vienna to be exact. We went to Lausanne, Switzerland, and then Windsor, England, and then France for a long time.
Why all the moving around?
Business. My father [Pinot] was always based in London and the US. But we always traveled around a lot anyway. I came back to Jakarta around three years ago, in 2006.
Why did you come back to Jakarta?
The reason why we came in the first place was because my grandfather was very ill. Actually, he passed away, so we stayed here for the 40 days [mourning period]. And then we just ended up staying.
Where did you go to school?
I was home-schooled actually. I was looking at the other schools like JIS [Jakarta International School] and stuff, but I just didn’t see myself fitting in there. Then I heard about home-schooling. So I finished a couple of years ahead. I graduated high school when I was 16, in 2008. I also skipped a couple of grades in middle school.
What about friends? How do you make new friends?
Making new friends, luckily for me, hasn’t been such a big problem here. I also had a lot of family here, so they introduced me to their friends, [who] became my friends. Making friends, it’s not like a huge challenge for my sister and I. Because of the traveling we’re really open people, so we accept different people and different cultures. We don’t stick with one stereotype of people.
When did your modeling career begin?
The start of it wasn’t so much modeling. For example, the director of Registry just happens to be a friend. So, it was like, “Hey, Mano, why don’t you pose for a cover?” I was like, “OK, sure,” so I just did that several times, just as favors for friends.
After a while, I was like, “Ah, this is fun. I could do it.” I started getting more into casting, but before I could go further with any of that, the Malaysia thing happened.
Could you tell me the different shoots that you’ve done?
I did one for Prestige. That was for the “It List” of the year. It named the young future socialites of Indonesia. I was also in Bazaar. I was the youngest one. The 100 most influential women of Indonesia!
How do you like modeling?
It’s fun, every girl likes to dress up and play around. I think it’s really fun, getting made up and dressed up. Because I’m usually not like that, my group of friends are mostly guys. I don’t think I’m a socialite. If you ask all my friends, I’m just more stay at home. But I mean, I’m social, you know. I like making friends, if they invite me to dinner, parties and stuff, then why not?
Was there any modeling agency you were signed to? What about from TV or film?
No, I didn’t sign to any modeling agency. I never signed any contract with anyone.
How did you feel being young and being in Bazaar?
When they called me, I was actually really surprised. I was thankful and grateful for it. It’s a great compliment. If people look at me that way, then great.
They gave me a title of philanthropist because I do a lot of the charity work myself. Not through an organization, just personally. The reason people don’t know that I do that is because I don’t, like, brag about it too much. Or I don’t do it through organizations. So I just do it myself. So, for example, when there’s a flood, I just literally buy bags of rice and pass it out myself. So it’s really just me and my mom and my sister.
A concrete example: the kids in Menteng, in front of Keris Gallery, I used to go there weekly. I haven’t been there in a while now since Malaysia. I actually want to create a foundation similar to the Big Brother, Big Sister [program] in the US. I don’t know if you’re familiar with that. Basically a place where kids can just express themselves freely and talk, and maybe get counseling after school if they need it. Kids here, after school, unfortunately there’s a lot of begging, they don’t have a place to stay, or they end up going on the streets. Get involved with the wrong types of people. So I just want them to stay in a safe environment. Where they can express themselves freely and safely.
Did you always date someone older?
It’s not really about dating someone older. I always say age is just a number. It’s just that since I was younger, I’ve always hung out with the old e r crowd. I don’t know why, I just relate better to someone older. Some people say I’m just mature. I don’t know.
I didn’t dat e [Tengku]. The wedding was really, we were just really friends and there was nothing more to it. He just called up and said basically, “I want to introduce you to my parents.” So I was like, “Yeah, great, I’ll come down.”
So we went there, that’s what happened. “You have to get married this week.” I said, “I can’t.” But [the family] said they’d already sent out invitations, the wedding venue’s already there. “Everything’s already been done. If you don’t do this you’ll embarrass the royal family.” And I kept saying, “No, no, no.”
Then they said, “Look, Mano, please do this for us,” and then tomorrow or the next day we’ll go straight back to Jakarta, we’ll go to France, we’ll do everything in order like we weren’t married. Start from zero, start from the beginning.”
But then the next day, they completely forgot about their promises. I don’t know if you can call it a trap, but I felt trapped.
How did you meet Tengku Fakhry and how did things develop?
I met him in 2007, I was 14. I met him at a dinner party, it was the promotion of Visit Malaysia 2007. He introduced himself. It didn’t really develop between me and him. He got my mom’s number.
If he came down to Jakarta, then we’d have dinner. Not just me personally, but all of us with a group of friends. And if I happened to go to Malaysia, then I called him up and [said], “Hey, I’m in town.”
But you never had the impression that he was into you?
I just didn’t see anything. Honestly, I didn’t even consider him a close friend. I just considered him someone I knew. And he was always so quiet and so polite, especially with my mom. “So, aunty, let me carry your bag.” He was just really a goody-two-shoes, a gentlemanly guy.
What happened next?
We went [to Malaysia] on August 17, 2008. [My sister, my mother and I] hung out for a couple days before meeting his parents. When we met the parents, [his] mom was like, “OK, I agree with you the wedding is on the 26th.” I thought she was joking, I started laughing. I was like, “What do you mean?” Apparently they already gave out invitations, they showed them to me, they got my picture from I don’t know where. And Tengku was all smiley. I just got really freaked out and was like, “What did I get myself into?”
It was reported that your dowry was 50,000 ringgit ($14,000). What is your response to the allegation that your mom conspired with the Kelantan Sultanate?
Fifty thousand ringgit is like $15,000. And that, honestly, my mom didn’t get a penny. We had family over, we gave it for their allowance. We didn’t use it that much.
What I don’t understand is that my mom is 43 years old. She met Tengku when she was 40. The other 40 years of her life, how did she manage to support my sister and I? How did she pay for my school? How did she support the rest of the 40 years of her life?
I don’t understand why they’re making these allegations. If they’re talking about the dowry, which is 50,000 ringgit, you can’t get a house, a car and bags through that, you know. It’s not enough. These allegations don’t make sense to me.
Why didn’t you try to escape?
Even if I did try to escape, [as] you saw with my mom, even she could be stopped by his people. Imagine me. So I thought, “Mano, you’re going back to Jakarta the next day, so just get it over and done with.”
Initially, I didn’t even know that he was from a royal family. I just thought he was just someone big. I didn’t know what his businesses were. I didn’t know anything about him. I didn’t know he was from a royal family until after.
What happened after the wedding?
Right after the wedding, in the car going back to his house, he started raising his voice, which was something really new. I was shocked. It wasn’t directed at me, so maybe it was just stress. And then when we went back home, he was like, you have to sleep with me. I said, “Wow, I thought I’m going back to Jakarta tomorrow. What’s going on here?” And then at the time, I was also having my period. I said, “Look, I can’t.” And then he got really rough and started saying, “All Indonesians are prostitutes and can be bought,” and just comments like that. And I was stuck there.
What happened after that?
That night, he kept shouting at me. He told me to sleep on the floor because I wouldn’t serve him as a wife. But in my head, I’m like, “But I’m not actually your wife.” It was extremely frustrating. I was trapped. I was fooled. I was just stupid.
Did you try to contact the outside world?
During the first two months I had Internet, I had my phone. I did [try to contact people outside], and I have done. But you have to realize that they’re extremely powerful in Malaysia.
Were the families repressive?
I wouldn’t say so. Most of the people who helped me get out were members of his family. Most of the time, they’re extremely friendly.
What about the king and the queen?
The sultan was a very nice man. But at the same time, he could’ve done something. It’s just the queen here is just a bit … [pauses] she’s the one that controls the palace.
Between the wedding and Singapore, did you try to escape?
Yes. I kept asking to leave, but then they took my passport. A lot of dramatic events like that. Once I even got my passport and then the driver took me to the airport. They didn’t let him. They told him to take me back to the palace. They planned all these things for me to not go home.
So then, finally, I went to Singapore [in October 2008] for a health checkup. In the morning, I just ran away with my sister. My mom followed the day after.
What happened in October 2008?
I got back to Jakarta. There was one pretty well-known mafia family. They told their son to kidnap me for $250,000, if I’m not mistaken. But fortunately I knew the guy. Thank God, he didn’t.
When you were in Jakarta, was it impossible to divorce your husband?
It was impossible because the marriage was not registered in Indonesia. It was registered there. I couldn’t divorce him there because in Islamic marriage, only the husband could [divorce his wife]. Five months was an extremely short period of time for these kinds of things. So we went to Jeddah.
What happened in Jeddah?
From Mecca, when we were done with the pilgrimage, we drove to Jeddah. And from Jeddah we were supposed to fly to Jakarta. We had tickets and everything. But that’s when he forced me on the plane.
During those times, what discussions did you have with him?
I didn’t have that much discussion with him. Because we weren’t even together most of the time. We probably only met up for dinner.
Why agree to Jeddah?
One of them said, “Look, Manohara, we’re just going to pray. Please, just come and pray, clean our minds with God.” [Tengku said] “I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. So we’re going to pray, hopefully I’ll get better so that I can make it up to you.”
So I said, “Fair enough.”
What happened back in Malaysia?
His father fell ill with a heart attack. We went to hospital in Kotabaru, Kelantan, but then the doctor said it was better to take him to Singapore. I really saw it as a chance to do something. Beforehand, I had one chance where I was out in public at a football game, and I saw a camera from an Indonesian TV station. But I thought to myself, “If I scream, if I do anything here, they have most of the power. So, A, I’m going to get hurt when I get home, and B, they’re going to increase the security, it’s going to be harder for me to do anything.
It’s been reported you’re receiving many offers from the entertainment industry. What is your response to allegations that the whole story was a publicity stunt?
In that case, that means [the Kelantan family] would have to be part of the plan too. We can’t go to Kelantan and say, “Hey, can you kidnap me, and then pretend to torture me, and then you let me go?” I don’t see how that makes sense.
I have proof. I have the doctor saying it is true. I have scars everywhere, and needle marks on my back These are already proof but people don’t believe it.
Does this mean you’re planning to get back into the modeling and entertainment industry?
Fortunately, I’ve had a lot of offers. And I figure, “Why not?”
I’m still young. I still have to continue with my life. It’s also a good way to start making a living on my own.
Manohara Odelia Pinot, right, and her mother Daisy Fajarina. (Photo: Yudhi Sukma WIjaya, JG)
‘He’s Taken So Much From My Life, I’m Not Going to Let Him Take My Future’
In her interview with the Jakarta Globe, Manohara also went into detail about the abuse that she alleges she suffered at the hands of her husband. Below are edited extracts. Her husband’s lawyer, Haaziq Pillay, declined to comment on the allegations, saying that Tengku Fahkry had filed a defamation complaint with the Malaysian police on the matter:
When did the abuse start?
I don’t remember when. But it was not long before the wedding. I got raped, basically. I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t tell my mom. Tengku himself acted like it didn’t happen. I was just in denial. I went numb. I didn’t want to believe it.
We were cruising from Singapore to Lombok, to Bali. In the boat he just grabbed me. At the time I was just in the room, sitting there just to wait for my mom. Basically, it just happened. But after that, I just kind of shut down. I didn’t know what to think about myself. Basically, I was just in denial about the whole thing.
If he raped you before you went to Malaysia, why did you accept his invitation?
Because, A, I just didn’t want to believe, so I just tried to completely block that out, and B, after that he was really nice to me. He was extremely sweet and gentlemanly. I didn’t know what happened, actually.
Things got worse after you married him?
I know that March was the burn. I had an iron burn on my neck. And a cigar burn on my forehead. It was just random, he just came by with a cigar. I was ironing, and then he just took the thing. The iron came first. I took pictures of the scars with my BlackBerry. Between March and April, the mental and sexual abuse was constantly there. I was held there against my will. They kept injecting me with several different medications to [make me] gain weight, to make me fall asleep and some to paralyze me. It was emotionally and mentally exhausting to endure that.
When the whole razor [abuse] started, when things started to get real rough, that was in April. He took an eyebrow razor and cut me around my chest area.
The hardest thing about that was I was aware of it, I could feel it, but I couldn’t move or scream. I don’t know what he had given me.
I could see, hear him, smell him, feel him. I could feel the cuts on my body. It hurt. With the physical pain, I didn’t mind too much.
Just knowing that you have no control over anything and can’t do anything about it was just …
It happened three times. The first thing he marked on me was just a small X on my chest area. And the worst part about it is that he didn’t even slash it fast or anything. [He] just took his time, slowly. He looked as calm as ever. It’s like if you gave someone a paintbrush and told him to draw a flower. It took a little over 20 minutes.
Did he follow with sexual abuse?
Yes. It usually followed or happened beforehand.
Are you traumatized?
No, not traumatized. He’s taken so much from my life in the past, I’m not going to let him to take away my future. Someone once said, “Forgiving is freeing yourself.”