Thursday, June 30, 2011

Python with two heads

The snake with a sssplit personality: Meet the python born with two heads

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 3:51 PM on 29th June 2011

This is one snake who is likely to be more than a little snappy if provoked.
The mutant black and gold python regius - royal python or ball python - was born in Villingen-Schwenningen, southern Germany, with two heads.
Twice the bite: This python regius, or ball python, was born with two heads in Villingen-Schwennigen, Germany
Twice the bite: This python regius, or ball python, was born with two heads in Villingen-Schwennigen, Germany

Which way next? The one-year-old snake is now 20 inches long and seems to be coping with its mutation
Which way next? The one-year-old snake is now 20in long and appears to be coping well with its mutation
Snake breeder Stefan Broghammer said the slippery customer is around one years old and has grown to around 20 inches.
He said the creature is only the second python known to be born with two heads.
The snake is non-venomous, found in Africa and are a popular pet.
Adults generally grow up to around 4ft and when threatened their instinctively curl into a ball to defend themselves.
Rare: Snake breeder Stefan Broghammer, pictured, said it was only the second incident of a python being born with two heads
Rare: Snake breeder Stefan Broghammer, pictured, said it was only the second time on record of a python being born with two heads

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Paralysed by a PORK CHOP

Paralysed by a PORK CHOP: Father-of-two, 46, almost dies after eating undercooked meat

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 7:06 PM on 22nd June 2011

A father-of-two today told how he almost died after eating an under-cooked pork chop.
Darren Ashall, a plant operator from Chorley, Lancashire, developed a potentially lethal brain bug that has left him in hospital for nearly five months.
The 46-year-old cannot walk and still struggles to communicate. However, doctors told him he is lucky to be alive after listeria meningitis attacked his immune system and left an abscess on his brain.
Darren Ashall before he ate the pork chop
Darren Ashall in his wheel chair
Struggle: Darren was described as the 'life and soul of the party' before he developed a brain abscess (left). He is now wheel-chair bound but hopes to walk again (right)
He first fell ill after cooking two pork chops on a caravan stove while working away from home in Birmingham.
He said: 'I thought one of the chops wasn't cooked properly. I regretted eating it straight away. I knew it was a mistake.
'A month later I went to hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. After three days, my face started drooping on one side and people thought I was having a stroke.
'I was treated for that, but nothing helped.'
Darren had picked up the listeria bug, which can lay dormant for up to 70 days. He first visited Chorley and South Ribble Hospital on February 11 but was initially sent home.
He returned two days later after his condition worsened and he was checked into intensive care. His wife Paula, 43, and sons Sam, 19, and Jack, 21, kept a bedside vigil as he deteriorated.
Mrs Ashall said she was sure her husband was going to die. She said: 'On Darren's birthday the doctor took us into a side room and told us how poorly he was and I was convinced they were going to tell me he wouldn't make it.
'I just had this horrible feeling he was going to die. They said that if he had been a couple of years older he wouldn't have made it.'
Paralysed: Darren was close to dying but said he was determined to keep fighting for the sake of his family
Paralysed: Darren was close to dying but said he was determined to keep fighting for the sake of his family
Darren was left completely paralysed and was even placed on a ventilator to help him breathe.
After a few weeks he was transferred to the Royal Preston Hospital and slowly regained his sight and voice.
Speaking from his hospital bed, he said: 'It was such a battle and the experience absolutely drained me.
'I was in intensive care and I was too scared to close my eyes because I didn't think I'd ever wake up again.
'I was surrounded by my children and my wife Paula, and they all just looked terrified.
'We found it hard to talk about my condition without crying, and we often thought it would be the last time we saw each other.
'But I told myself I wasn't going to die, and I slowly started to win the fight.'
He added: 'My family have been my rock, and I'm looking forward to being back at home with them. The man I used to be is long gone though.'
Darren will never fully recover from the effects of the bug and will need antibiotics for the rest of his life.
In addition, once he regains the ability to walk he will have to rely on a  scooter for long distances.
He said: 'I feel so vulnerable now, and worried about what lies ahead, but this has really made me appreciate what I've got.
'Life is so precious and fragile, and you could have a big house and a fancy car, but none of that matters at the end of the day.'
Darren has vowed to cook for himself again one day. He also wants to write a book and wishes to set up a charity to thank the nursing staff who cared for him.
Paula said: 'Compared to how he was, he has made a lot of progress. He couldn't talk or move at all and his vision went double.
'His vision is back and he has managed to teach himself how to speak again. 
'Before all this, Darren used to be the life and soul of the party. Now he's a shadow of his former self - but I'm just glad he's still alive.'

Friday, June 17, 2011

Kartunis Utusan terkeluar daripada Islam?

Kartunis Utusan, rogol dan zina
Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin
Jun 16, 11
Kongsi 954
Saya tidak pasti, apakah kartunis Utusan itu hendak menghina Islam atau hendak menghina pihak tertentu. Jika dia bertujuan menghina Islam, dilakukan pula dalam keadaan yang sedar akal fikirannya, maka dia terkeluar daripada Islam.
Namun, jika dia bertujuan mengkritik salah faham sesetengah pihak mengenai perbezaan hukum zina dan rogol, maka itu tidak merosakkan imannya, bahkan satu sumbangan membetulkan fahaman yang salah.
Adapun jika dia bertujuan membohongi fakta yang dimaksudkan oleh seseorang, sehingga menimbulkan salah sangka, maka dia berdosa besar.
Persoalan yang timbul; apakah jika seseorang wanita membuat aduan kepada mahkamah syariah bahawa dia dirogol maka mahkamah syariat akan menyatakan: awak mesti mendatangkan empat orang saksi, jika tidak awak disebat 80 rotan?
Adakah di dunia ini empat orang saksi yang soleh sanggup membiarkan seorang wanita dirogol di hadapan mereka?
Mungkin ada yang tidak faham sehingga menyamakan jenayah rogol dan zina. Zina adalah maksiat peribadi yang Islam berusaha menutupnya. Sebab itu diketatkan dengan empat orang saksi.
Adapun rogol adalah pencabulan terhadap individu lain tanpa rela dan kejam, maka pembuktiannya tidak seketat zina. Beza menuduh orang lain berzina dengan mendakwa diri menjadi mangsa adalah soal maruah.
Menuduh orang lain berzina mempunyai unsur menjatuhkan maruah orang lain. Sementara mendakwa diri menjadi mangsa rogol adalah mempertaruhkan maruah diri sendiri.
Secara lojiknya, sukar dilakukan melainkan dalam keadaan yang amat memaksa. Bagaimanakah mungkin seseorang mampu mendiamkan diri apabila dia dimangsakan?
Maka, dalam kes kedua qarinah (bukti kaitan) boleh dipakai seperti yang disebut dalam Surah Yusuf:
“Dan mereka berdua pun berkejaran ke pintu, serta perempuan itu mengoyakkan baju Yusuf dari belakang; lalu terserempaklah keduanya dengan suami perempuan itu di muka pintu.
Tiba-tiba perempuan itu berkata (kepada suaminya): Tiada balasan bagi orang yang mahu membuat jahat terhadap isterimu melainkan dipenjarakan dia atau dikenakan azab yang menyiksanya”.
Yusuf pula berkata: “Dialah yang menggoda diriku”. (Suaminya tercengang mendengarnya) dan seorang dari keluarga perempuan itu (yang ada bersama-sama) tampil memberi pendapatnya dengan berkata:”Jika baju Yusuf koyak dari depan maka benarlah tuduhan perempuan itu, dan menjadilah Yusuf dari orang-orang yang berdusta.
Dan jika bajunya koyak dari belakang, maka dustalah perempuan itu, dan Yusuf adalah daripada orang-orang yang benar.
Setelah suaminya melihat baju Yusuf koyak dari belakang, dia berkata: “Sesungguhnya ini adalah dari tipu daya kamu orang-orang perempuan; sesungguhnya tipu daya kamu amatlah besar pengaruhnya” (Surah Yusuf: ayat 25-28).
Lihat, Al-Quran menceritakan bagaimana qarinah digunakan dalam peristiwa ini.
Sebab itu juga, Islam tidak mewajibkan pula seseorang yang menuduh isterinya berzina agar mendatangkan empat orang saksi.
Ini kerana tuduhan zina kepada isteri sendiri hanya mencalarkan maruah penuduh. Maka, agak sukar untuk seseorang itu menuduh isterinya secara bohong berzina. Juga amat berat untuk seseorang itu mendiamkan diri apabila mengetahui isterinya berzina.
Ini kerana kedua-dua keadaan itu merobohkan maruah dan kehormatan dirinya. Jika orang lain yang berzina, mungkin dia mampu mendiamkan diri disebabkan kekurangan saksi. Tetapi sudah pasti tidak bagi kes isterinya.
Justeru Allah menyebut: (maksudnya)
“Dan orang-orang yang menuduh isterinya berzina, sedang mereka tidak ada saksi-saksi (yang mengesahkan tuduhannya itu) hanya dirinya sendiri, maka persaksian (sah pada syarak) bagi seseorang yang menuduh itu hendaklah dia bersumpah dengan nama Allah, empat kali, bahawa sesungguhnya dia dari orang-orang yang benar;
Dan sumpah yang kelima (hendaklah dia berkata): “bahawa laknat Allah akan menimpa dirinya jika dia dari orang- orang yang dusta. Dan bagi menghindarkan hukuman seksa terhadap isteri (yang kena tuduh) itu hendaklah dia (isteri) bersumpah dengan nama Allah, empat kali, bahawa suaminya (yang menuduh) itu benar-benar daripada orang-orang yang berdusta;
Dan sumpah yang kelima (hendaklah ia berkata); bahawa kemurkaan Allah akan menimpa dirinya jika suaminya dari orang- orang yang benar. (Surah al-Nur ayat 6-9).
Bab ini dinamakan dengan 'li'an' atau penglaknatan. Inilah jalan yang Allah berikan kepada pasangan suami isteri yang tuduh-menuduh dalam perkara seperti ini.
Selepas proses ini dilakukan, mereka dipisahkan selamanya, tanpa ada hukuman keseksaan mahkamah yang dijalankan, sebaliknya diserahkan urusan tersebut kepada Allah. Ini kerana, kes ini adalah kes mempalitkan keaiban diri sendiri.
Maka, mereka yang mendakwa diri dirogol atau diliwat secara paksa juga adalah menampalkan keaiban ke atas diri sendiri. Amat sukar bagi insan normal itu membuat dakwaan seperti itu secara semberono.
Melainkan jika ada kepentingan tersembunyi yang lain. Maka mereka juga tidak perlu mendatangkan empat saksi. Sebaliknya boleh diterima pakai kaitan (qarinah) yang membuktikan kejadian itu berlaku. Justeru, paksi dalam hal ini semua, ada demi memelihara keturunan dan maruah.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tony Blair read the Koran every day

I read the Koran every day, says former prime minister Tony Blair who claims it keeps him 'faith-literate'

By Ian Drury

Last updated at 11:47 AM on 13th June 2011

Faith: Tony Blair has now spoken of how he reads the Koran every day
Faith: Tony Blair has now spoken of how he reads the Koran every day
He was notoriously reluctant to discuss religion while Prime Minister, with his chief spin doctor Alastair Campbell famously commenting: ‘We don’t do God.’
But since leaving Downing Street in 2007, Tony Blair has become increasingly open about the importance of religion.
Mr Blair, who converted to Catholicism months after leaving Number 10, has now spoken of how he reads the Koran every day.
Reading the Islamic religion’s holy book - considered by Muslims to be the exact words of God - ensured he remained ‘faith-literate’, the former Labour leader said.
In an interview with the Observer magazine, published yesterday he said: ‘To be faith-literate is crucial in a globalised world, I believe.
‘I read the Qur’an [Koran] every day. Partly to understand some of the things happening in the world, but mainly just because it is immensely instructive.’
Mr Blair believes that a knowledge of the faith informs his current role as Middle East envoy for the Quartet of the United Nations, United States, European Union and Russia.
The former PM’s work, which has cost British taxpayers more than £2million, aims to help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Mr Blair has previously praised the Muslim faith as ‘beautiful’ and said the Prophet Mohammed had been ‘an enormously civilizing force’.
In 2006 he said the Koran was a ‘reforming book, it is inclusive. It extols science and knowledge and abhors superstition. It is practical and way ahead of its time in attitudes to marriage, women and governance’.
But Mr Blair has also faced the devastation wreaked by violent jihadists who interpret the Koran as a call to arms.
Mr Blair said reading the Islamic religion's holy book - considered by Muslims to be the exact words of God - ensured he remained 'faith-literate'
Mr Blair said reading the Islamic religion's holy book - considered by Muslims to be the exact words of God - ensured he remained 'faith-literate'
He was Prime Minister when the July 7 suicide bombers attacked London in 2005, murdering 52 innocent people.
Not only does reading the Koran support his peace envoy role, it also gives him something in common with sister-in-law Lauren Booth.
Journalist Miss Booth - Cherie Blair’s half sister - raised eyebrows after announcing last October that she had converted to Islam after what she described as a ‘holy experience’ during a visit to a shrine in Iran.
Mr Blair also used the Observer interview to dismiss claims he was on a Christian ‘crusade’ when taking Britain into the highly divisive war in Iraq.
His former constituency agent John Burton said two years ago that Mr Blair ‘believed strongly at the time, that intervention in Kosovo, Sierra Leone – Iraq too – was all part of the Christian battle; good should triumph over evil, making lives better.’
But the ex-Premier said: ‘People still ask me if military decisions in Iraq or Afghanistan were based on some kind of divine instruction. It’s rubbish.
‘Of course not. Just as I couldn’t go into a corner and pray to ask God what the minimum wage should be.’

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hell breaks loose

When all hell breaks loose: Lightning tears the sky apart above the glow of the Chilean volcano

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 7:31 PM on 6th June 2011

Flames reach up to the heavens as lightning flashes criss-cross the sky.

These extraordinary images show the full force of Mother Nature as a Chilean volcano erupts for the first time in 50 years.

Ash has been thrown six miles up into the sky and the South American government has ordered the evacuation of thousands of residents.
Winds fanned the ash toward neighbouring Argentina, darkening the sky in the ski resort city of San Carlos de Bariloche, in the centre of the country, and its airport has also been closed.
Spectacular: A time-lapse photo shows lightning bolts striking around the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic chain in Patagonia
Spectacular: A time-lapse photo shows lightning bolts striking around the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic chain
As a precaution, the government said it was evacuating 3,500 people from the surrounding area
As a precaution, the government said it was evacuating 3,500 people from the surrounding area

Nature's force: Lightning and volcanic fire is seen amid and underneath a towering cloud of ash. It is the first time the volcano has erupted in 50 years
Nature's force: Lightning and volcanic fire is seen amid and underneath a towering cloud of ash. It is the first time the volcano has erupted in 50 years

Incredible lightening bolts strike around the plume of volcanic ash and smoke
Incredible lightening bolts strike around the plume of volcanic ash and smoke

An extraordinary cloud formation is created by the ash rising several miles into the atmosphere
An extraordinary cloud formation is created by the ash rising several miles into the atmosphere
The eruption in the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic chain, about 575 miles south of the capital, Santiago, also prompted authorities to close a busy border crossing into Argentina.

It was not immediately clear which of the chain's four volcanoes had erupted because of ash cover and weather conditions. The chain last saw a major eruption in 1960.

Local media said the smell of sulphur hung in the air and there was constant seismic activity.

'The Cordon Caulle (volcanic range) has entered an eruptive process, with an explosion resulting in a 10-kilometre-high gas column,' the state emergency office ONEMI said.

As a precaution, the government said it was evacuating 3,500 people from the surrounding area.
This development is the latest volcanic activity to affect the country. Three years ago, Chile's Chaiten volcano erupted spectacularly for the first time in thousands of years, spewing molten rock and a vast cloud of ash that reached the stratosphere and was visible from space.

It also drifted over neighbouring Argentina, coating towns. Chile's Llaima volcano, one of South America's most active, also erupted that year and again in 2009.

Chile's chain of about 2,000 volcanoes is the world's second largest after Indonesia. Some 50 to 60 are on record as having erupted, and 500 are potentially active.

Above cloud level the plume looks like a nuclear bomb has just exploded with its mushroom cloud bursting towards the skies
Above cloud level the plume looks like a nuclear bomb has just exploded with its mushroom cloud bursting towards the skies

A woman wipes a thick layer of volcanic ash away from the windscreen of her car
A woman wipes a thick layer of volcanic ash away from the windscreen of her car

Headlights on, a car creeps through a street covered in ash. One could be forgiven for thinking this was a wintry scene covered in snow
Headlights on, a car creeps through a street covered in ash. One could be forgiven for thinking this was a wintry scene covered in snow

It was the latest in a series of volcanic eruptions in Chile in recent years. Chile's Chaiten volcano erupted spectacularly in 2008 for the first time in thousands of years, spewing molten rock and a vast cloud of ash that reached the stratosphere.
The ash also swelled a nearby river and ravaged a nearby town of the same name.
The ash cloud from Chaiten coated towns in Argentina and was visible from space. Chile's Llaima volcano, one of South America's most active, erupted in 2008 and 2009.
Chile's chain of about 2,000 volcanoes is the world's second largest after Indonesia. Some 50 to 60 are on record as having erupted, and 500 are potentially active.
Caught in the sunlight: Beautiful but deadly, the cloud turns fiery red in the sunshine as the eruption continues to belch ash skyward
Caught in the sunlight: Beautiful but deadly, the cloud turns fiery red in the sunshine as the eruption continues to belch ash skyward

Smiling lightning: As molten rock and gases are ejected from the core of the volcano below, what appears to be a 'have a nice day' face is formed from the electrically charged air
Smiling lightning: As molten rock and gases are ejected from the core of the volcano below, what appears to be a 'have a nice day' face is formed from the electrically charged air

Protection: Carrying bottles of water and soft drinks this man wears a gas mask to avoid breathing in ash
Protection: Carrying bottles of water and soft drinks this man wears a gas mask to avoid breathing in ash

As darkness falls the centre of this Argentinian town looks like it could be a wintry wonderland in the Austrian mountains
As darkness falls the centre of this Argentinian town looks like it could be a wintry wonderland in the Austrian mountains

A car drives through a street covered by ash in the Argentine resort city of San Carlos de Bariloche. It lies 100 miles from Chile's Puyehue volcano
A car drives through a street covered by ash in the Argentine resort city of San Carlos de Bariloche. It lies 100 miles from Chile's Puyehue volcano


Racist who filled Muslims' shoes with ham

Racist who filled Muslims' shoes with ham as they prayed in a mosque walks free from court

By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 6:55 PM on 6th June 2011
Thug: Racist Jamie Knowlson cried as he was handed a six-month suspended sentence and 150 hours community service
Thug: Racist Jamie Knowlson cried as he was handed a six-month suspended sentence and 150 hours community service
A racist thug who stuffed ham into the shoes of Muslim worshippers at a mosque has escaped a jail term.
Jamie Knowlson, 30, also draped slices of the meat - which Muslims are banned from eating - on railings outside the mosque as his victims prayed inside.
He was then caught on CCTV hurling abuse at worshippers after they confronted him over his sacrilegious act.
Islam teaches its followers to avoid pig meat as it makes them impure and unclean.
Knowlson initially told police the stunt was a drunken joke but later admitted that he was fully aware of the offence his actions would cause.
He pleaded guilty to causing racially or religiously aggravated harassment and could have been jailed for up to two years.
But walked free from Bristol Crown Court with a suspended six-month prison sentence because he had returned to the mosque to apologise for his actions.
Sentencing, Her Honour Judge Carol Hagen said: 'It is difficult to imagine a more offensive incident.
'Not only the fixing of meat to railings but aggravated, in my view, that members of the mosque were inside praying at the time.'
The court heard that Knowlson, from Kingswood, Bristol, targeted the Al-Baseera mosque in the St Judes area of the city which is used by more than 2,000 Somali Muslims every week.
He crept to the mosque from nearby Redwood House homeless shelter on January 9 this year - putting ham in footwear and on railings outside the building as worshippers prayed.
CCTV footage showed him returning to the shelter, where he was confronted by the mosque's caretaker Abdi Djmaa.
As Mr Djmaa returned to the mosque he heard shouts of 'the next visit will be harder', 'bad meat' and 'girls' coming from the direction of the building.
Offence: Knowlson was caught putting ham in the shoes of worshippers at the Al-Baseera Centre in Bristol
Offence: Knowlson was caught putting ham in the shoes of worshippers at the Al-Baseera Centre in Bristol
David Hunter, prosecuting at Bristol Crown Court, said it had been a premeditated attack specifically targeted at the Muslim community.
The court heard that shamed Knowlson had returned to the mosque to apologise after the hate crime.
Ian Halliday, defending, said: 'This was a brutal, misconceived, drunken prank.'
He returned to the mosque and offered his apologies in person.
Knowlson sat in tears as he was handed a six-month suspended sentence  and 150 hours of unpaid work.
A second man is due to stand trial in connection with the incident later this month.
After sentencing, Mubarak Mohamud, one of the three imams at the Al-Baseera mosque, claimed the inflammatory act had upset the Muslim community.
He said: 'There wasn't anger, people were more upset and shocked.
'We don't eat pork and we are banned by our faith from eating it, as it makes us impure when we are going to our prayers.
'We don't hate the man - we just suppose he doesn't know us.'
Knowlson refused to comment after leaving court.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Not such a Dumbo: How elephants flirt, argue and have feelings just like humans

By David Wilkes

Last updated at 2:43 AM on 6th June 2011

No family outing would be complete without a squabble over directions.
Now conservationists have discovered such rows – so familiar to thousands who went on half-term trips last week – are just as common among herds of elephants thundering across Africa’s vast plains.
It is one of several striking features of their intriguing social system which suggest their behaviour is remarkably similar to that of humans.
The trunk code
In the world’s longest continuous study of elephants, researchers who have spent nearly 40 years observing their behaviour at the Amboseli National Park in Kenya say the animals use complex communications in what appear to be discussions over which route to take.

They also use body language and sounds in other distinctly human ways, rubbing shoulders or entwining trunks as a greeting and folding their trunk under their tusks as an invitation to play.
A calf may reassure itself by sucking its trunk, just like a human baby sucks its thumb.
And female elephants sometimes appear to flirt by glancing over their shoulders at suitors with their eyes opened wide.
We are family: The study, which lasted almost 40 years, found that elephant behaviour is similar to humans
We are family: The study, which lasted almost 40 years, found that elephant behaviour is similar to humans
The study found that elephants empathise with each other a lot more than previously realised - they had long been known to grieve over their dead
The study found that elephants empathise with each other a lot more than previously realised - they had long been known to grieve over their dead
Negotiations over directions often begin with a common signal known as the ‘let’s go’ rumble.
The elephants then engage in lengthy exchanges until a consensus is reached and the herd moves off in the chosen direction.
Phyllis Lee, of Stirling University, Scotland – co-editor of The Amboseli Elephants, a new book revealing the research – said elephants can take up to an hour discussing which way to go. ‘It’s wonderful to watch and a real process of negotiation,’ she said.


  • ‘Periscope’ or S-shaped trunk: curious or expectant
  • Shoulder rubbing: greeting or group bonding
  • Trunks entwined: saying ‘hello’ to another elephant
  • Trunk folded under tusks: come and play with me
  • Standing tall: aggressive or assertive
  • Trunk sucking: calf reassuring itself
  • Side-on stance plus rumble: ‘Let’s go'
The study provides further evidence for elephants’ capacity for empathy. They have long been known to display human traits such as grief, but the research shows they may also wince at each other’s pain.
In one example, when a young elephant approached an electric fence, an older female ‘looked alarmed, waiting for it to get zapped’, said Cynthia Moss, who founded the Amboseli Elephant Research Project in 1972.
Miss Moss told New Scientist magazine: ‘Her posture and blinking eyes showed she was wincing.’
Other elephants have been seen pulling out tranquilliser darts from fellow herd members. Two were once seen propping up another between them after it was tranquillised.
The researchers, who have tracked 2,500 elephants, argue that the animals have brain power comparable to apes, but not as advanced as dolphins or humans.
‘One thing we can say with confidence is that elephants live in a very complex social system,’ said Miss Moss. ‘The core is the family unit, made up of related females and their offspring. But there are layers of relationships between the families resulting in bond groups, clans and sub-populations.’